
But a HOT POCKET THOUGH. Like at least class it up with a toaster strudel or something.

Right? I want one immediately. I'm going to send Mr. Water out to get one for me tonight.

I've felt for a long time that CNMs should be taking a stronger stand against CPMs/lay midwives. I think it would take a lot for that to happen from what I've seen, but I think you're right in that MANA's continued fuckery may just push ACNM into some action. I really hope so. I have so appreciated the CNM care from

Also, I'm curious - is your spouse angry/offended at these yahoos who call themselves midwives when s/he has gone through all this education, oversight, and hands-on training? I'm wondering because I would be super pissed, personally, if people were confounding me with cocky amateurs because of confusing language.

There may be a relatively tiny risk of a dead mom/baby, but there are lots of other devastating things that can occur under the guard of an undertrained birth attendant. How many kids have severe brain damage from homebirth, or a fucked-up, nerve-damaged arm because of a vaginal breech birth or badly-handled shoulder

The problem is that the midwives belonging to MANA rarely have any sort of positive working relationship with a hospital. No one is kept accountable for keeping accurate and consistent records. And they are also not Certified Nurse Midwives - some of them are CPMs (Certified Professional Midwives), which sometimes

Yeah, this is an extremely salient point that most people are not aware of.

Mr. Water and I went to go see it sans two year old as well...I can't wait to show him the DVD though! My mom bought him the soundtrack for his recent birthday because I was going to go bananas if I had to press replay on the "Let It Go" video on YouTube again...

Don't be a tease, now. Give us a link or at least something to Google!

I don't doubt it's a mutt of some sort.

Haha. "Shit, I knew I dropped them somewhere around here..."

Ooh good point. It's a pretty dog though. Poor thing. :( Probably just looking for a snack.

I'm not gonna lie, though, if I saw that skulking around a hallway I certainly would be hedging my bets. Easy to judge from a video where I'm not standing behind a half-closed door...

It does, especially since the "wolves" we see in movies are generally huskies/malamutes/shepherd dogs or a mix thereof. When you see a real wolf it's absolutely unmistakable - they have a very wild, feral look to them. Just without the context of a real wolf next to dogs like this, they look very wolfy.

Yeah that's not a wolf.

The defensiveness around fertility treatments comes from the constant barrage of "you're selfish" "that's unnatural" "just adopt", etc. As someone who had fertility treatments (not IVF, but still cost me a pretty penny both out of pocket and through expensive insurance), I 100% support mandating more insurance

And adoption can have a lot of unusual challenges that not everyone is able to deal with. My family adopting my three younger sisters caused loads of strife - their birth mother did drugs during pregnancy, leaving holes in their brains and massive life problems as a result. Their birth mother also stalked us on

Oh shut the fuck up.

Why aren't you eating it? Are you crazy? Elk is so delicious. Ground elk mixed with some pork to make burgers is the best.

Ugh where do you live? I'm pregnant with goddamn twins and people just stare at me during a long, standing wait at a restaurant and those sorts of things. :( like hello? My back is about to crumble here, could some of you opt to not be assholes?