
I've had varying levels of awful acne for most of my life, and the regimen/products work wonderfully for me. Do you think he'd be willing to wash his face and put on the treatment twice a day?

Thank you, I'm getting a little irked at people normalizing this. "He's just being a teenager." No, he's just being a dangerous little fuckhead, not to mention if my kids pull shit like this as teenagers, I will be the very first one to call the cops on them.

Mass Effect! You are missing out, my friend.

Mass Effect! You are missing out, my friend.

Or Prothean codes from planted artifacts the grandmother had found. Then we'd be mere decades away from being able to fuck Turians! :(

Well there's greater pressure for the average person to have a big wedding (to please themselves or family), whereas getting pregnant requires much less fanfare. Also, since there is less of a stigma about doing it this way, people aren't rushing to get hitched the second they get two lines on a pee stick. I've heard

Oh I didn't think you were! BCR is fab. Was just agreeing with you. :) Thanks for sharing about Cameron and Zabu. That is sweet. It's more I'm still bitter about the liliger story. Grumble.

Yeah, white tigers are a genetic mess. Poor babies. But see, this is so much different than the liliger post from a few weeks ago, because we are talking about a reputable rescue with fixed animals here and not a breeding farm for exotic pets. Kudos to Burt for getting it right.

I love that place! We always went there as kids because my parents had six kids and low paying jobs. The aisle with the weird mistake candy was a favorite for us. Most of the stuff was perfectly good, just overstock or misprinted labels or what have you. If I lived close to one I'd totally go there all the time.

I'm so fucking sick of everyone's hate on briefs. I will wear comfortable cotton briefs, be comfortable, avoid yeast infections, and not have to worry about doing extra loads of laundry to preserve the sanctity of my special silky underwear. Everyone can kiss my granny pantied ass. If I want to get sexy I will just

You've got a giant sack full of fluid in you. Or as I once said to my husband, "Get OFF!!! You're going to pop me like a fucking water balloon!"

You've got a giant sack full of fluid in you. Or as I once said to my husband, "Get OFF!!! You're going to pop me like a fucking water balloon!"

Nah, people can totally express their opinions. Obviously Lindy West just expressed hers, no prob.

Now playing

Yeah it's real. Apparently he was singing a song about the different fingers on one's hand and you lift each finger while you're singing about it was a more "innocent" time. Here's a clip:

I only accept Joe Biden in a Trans Am, sorry.

Okay, everyone immediately stop having babies. That should work out well. Just ask Italy, Japan, Greece, etc.

Possibly, and that's a good thing! Pets are awesome for developing immune systems.

I have an older cat like that. He is very protective of me when I am pregnant and all that protectiveness transferred straight to the baby when we came home from the hospital. :) You have a lot to look forward to should that all come to pass. My boy and my big old ex-Tom have a friendship for the ages.

Those are what hell feels like, I'm sure of it.

Isn't that depressing? I can't even imagine doing that. I went into my doctor a couple weeks ago and she said something like "I know it can be hard to eat well when you're eating the same things the kids are eating." Well my kid eats veggies, fruits, yogurt, lunch meat, eggs, toast, oatmeal, cereal, nuts, hummus,