
Myself included. I want to paddle their asses (the parents, not the kids) for that kind of crap. It just makes it that much more difficult for me to bring my happy, well-behaved, under control kid to a restaurant without a chorus of sighs and eyerolls as everyone else anticipates some little hellion running around and

Oh gross. That is crazy rude. I cannot fathom letting my kid just wander around a whole cafe.

Yeah, same here. I have a mellow, well-behaved kid (and will take him right out of there if that ceases to be), but no way in hell am I going to a fancy place where other people paid sitters to be kid-free for the evening or went there because they don't want to be around children.

I think you are mistaken on the insane costs of babysitters in a metropolitan area. Doesn't really excuse the situation, but I haven't found anyone in my city for under $15/hour. A ballet with traveling to and from home plus dinner is gonna be 5 hours minimum.

I get enough dirty looks going to the diner down the road with a well-behaved toddler (who knows full well that he is not allowed to yell or scream and will be leaving if he cries)...I cannot even imagine desiring to go to a fancy restaurant with a baby.

I always feel awful when my kid makes a mess at a restaurant. He's two and some mess is inevitable. But I do clean up the area as best I can (picking up big stuff off the floor, tidying my table, etc), am unfailingly polite and cordial with my waitperson, and always leave a 25%+ tip when I am dining out with him. Of

I often feel the same way, but there are lots of great moms here. I've learned to roll my eyes at some of the hyperbole around EWWW BIRTH EWWW CHILDREN! It can be hurtful and shitty, even so. I empathize.

Oh gosh, that's perfection. Nice fit, lovely pattern, simple...I like that her makeup is pretty fresh-faced too. She looks like spring. :)

(Content warning for those that may be sensitive: pregnancy-related complications-ish topic)

I definitely wouldn't buy produce there unless it's frozen or unless it's something you eat quite a lot of. However, there are so many other things besides produce to buy there it isn't funny. For example, they sell a big bag of frozen chicken breasts for a great price (usually around $20 or less) that last me and my

I don't have any recipes per se, but I LOVE cucumber/strawberry together with lots and lots of ice and some milk. Very refreshing, like a summery milkshake.

That's gross. For the life of me I cannot understand enjoying affection from a child that is not freely given, especially when the child protests. Yuck.

Personally, usually when it's greeting or departing time during a large family function, I pick my toddler up and hold him, and then people can come by and I ask him if he would like to give so and so a kiss or a hug because they are going bye bye now. I never thought about it before, it's just an automatic thing I

I LOATHE the trend of hugging for fucking everything. Weirdly enough I have zero qualms about kissing family (even on the lips, it's just how I grew up I s'pose), but hugging 90% of the time makes me extremely uncomfortable.

Those are perfection! Also I'm going to put "she who currently gestates" in my back pocket for use some time...

This is why I called my little puddle "Shrimp Overlord" (and some of my friends referred to him as "Jumbo Prawn") long after he grew out of the shrimp phase. A six week old fetus looks uncannily like something you dip in cocktail sauce; you speak the truth.

A lot of people will get a free or very reduced price on engagement photos once they put a deposit down on a wedding photographer, so I'm thinking that has a lot to do with it.

Yes yes yes please. I'm pregnant for the last time and I would love some nice photos of me for posterity, but I CANNOT STAND maternity photo shoots. So embarrassing. The signs, the ribbons, the weird loving gazes at my large abdomen....

On a global scale it might or might not be a positive, but on a national scale it can quickly become devastating.

I have three as well, though the littlest one seems to be a lot less affected. Small mercies. The other two are pretty much completely fucked in terms of having an independent adult life.