
I have no idea why people didn't like it! The trolls were my favorite part. I thought the reindeer reference was just "yeah this guy hangs out with a reindeer and talks to it which is kinda weird" but it could be a little raunchy joke for the adults just like the foot size thing.

I expected Olaf to be hugely annoying based on the previews, but I loved him. My husband and I kept looking at each other and cracking up during "In Summer".

I cannot fathom why so many people disliked "Fixer Upper". It's my favorite song in the whole damn thing. Great message too.

Changing your sheets every one to two weeks and vacuuming your mattress once a month is approximately a bazillion times more effective than not making your bed.

This one KILLS ME I love it way too much.

And when I worked at Subway I ate two Subway sandwiches every single day of my life because I was too fucking poor not to take the free food offered to me! Shit, why didn't I write a blog.

Haha! Yeah it makes sense they'd wanna keep the looks consistent for each character, but kids over that much time are bound to change in predictable and unpredictable ways. All the HP kids seemed to get exceptionally lucky in the looks department even during those awkward stages.

I actually read that they used to pad him up a bit in those first few movies to make him more lumpy and unfortunate-looking, but there's some DEFINITE transformation there. Who knew Clive Owen Jr was lurking under all that?

Oh cool. I guess that's why my adopted sisters whose bio mom drank during pregnancy are so well-behaved! By well-behaved I mean they have devastating amounts of mental and physical deficiencies and one of them is so dangerous and affected by FASD-related issues that she hasn't lived at home since she was 8-years-old.

Boo! I fell in love with Liam quite awhile ago myself and then BOOM, skyrocketed before I could use it. It's really a very nice name. You just can't always predict these things.

My mother-in-law lives in the exurbs but is terrified of a lot of small critters (rodents, snakes, etc...don't ask me how that makes sense, lol, she's even backed up to a green belt). She once found a garter snake while gardening. FORTUNATELY I was there to pick it up and move it to safety. I shudder to think what

Mm-hmm, that's what I've read. Of course the original use of sildenafil (Viagra) was for circulatory issues, and they only found out in the human clinical trials that it also had a very lucrative side effect.

Especially since Viagra is sometimes used as a treatment on premature babies. Oh wait, a drug can be used for more than one thing?!?!?!?!?! Who knew?!?!?!?

I never once had anyone object to my vulva and if they did I would be out of there so fucking fast their head would spin. Complaining about/criticizing a body part, especially when you're about to get some, is the height of immaturity. I don't think it would be so weird to have preferences (I mean I've seen plenty of

Yeeeeah about that....

One tip I have is that WIC is the easiest program to qualify for of just about any government program. You should get that going ASAP. It will at least help a bit with groceries.

Anything under the top 200 is really not all that common. I think at that point we are talking a handful of babies.

I think it's a lot of people who do absolutely no research. I can't tell
You how many times I've heard "We just picked a name we liked and we'd never heard it before, and then there were five other Jaydens in his preschool class!"

I'm 24 weeks now which from what I've looked up is generally considered 6 months pregnant. I'll consider myself in the third trimester when I'm 28 weeks, which is a pretty common milestone. There are so many ways to divide up pregnancy that it gets confusing, because some people count from your last period (which is

Nope. I'm six months pregnant and I'm definitely still in the second trimester. Pregnancy just doesn't break up very nicely into months.