
I use a shameful abundance of smilies. I feel ya. And then I feel like I seem like a 12-year-old with all the damn emoticons going on, but what if someone thinks I'm anything slightly less than happy and friendly? Oh my god this is seriously fucked up, isn't it?

We are kindred spirits. I often have to edit my emails, professional and personal, to cut down on my exclamation points by about 50% lest I look like a total ditz.

Yeah I dunno! How strange.

Well thin privilege is having a medication tested on people of your general body size and knowing it should work - just like those many decades of only testing a medication on men or white people (HPV vaccine and black women, anyone?). I doubt any fat women here are going to be mad at biochemistry as that makes no

Well thin privilege is having a medication tested on people of your general body size and knowing it should work - just like those many decades of only testing a medication on men or white people (HPV vaccine and black women, anyone?). I doubt any fat women here are going to be mad at biochemistry as that makes no


I think it's more that Dior has a terrible sense of what to put her in.

Elizabeth Banks and JLaw just look goddamn exhausted. I would be too!

Is my husband living a secret double life? Because I'm like "take from this angle." "No, try this." "Babe, come a little closer, you're like 500 miles away wtf." He sorta tries, but doesn't get it AT ALL. Which is really okay, because fuck haters, I will take selfies on occasion when my hair looks awesome.

Look, I take selfies because I'm a SAHM who has a bunch of long-distance friends, and my husband is a terrible photographer and I'm not photogenic. Less vanity and more hey, I haven't updated my picture in 9 months. I really don't understand the problem. I imagine an excessive amount would get rather tiresome, but

She's a precog.

You neeeed to check it out. It's definitely less corny than Xena. It's just not afraid to be a little campy (eg an evil undead witch psychically manipulating a radio to play Frank Sinatra's "Witchcraft" before killing a dude, that sort of thing). And the leads are both very attractive and very compelling.

Those fuckers are heavy! Really, how different are they from a heavy, blunt weapon like a mace? Esp when she uses her hair like a prehensile limb. Pretty sweet.

Because she's a smart and resourceful character who very obviously does not have access to real weapons as she's imprisoned in a tower by an evil witch? So she's basically got hobby stuff at her disposal. It's not like she's going to throw her paint brushes at someone.

So on an only marginally-related topic, when do we start getting articles about Sleepy Hollow? Oh please please please.

Me too. Some of those dance scenes in tight pants rocked my little pubescent world.

She has access to a kitchen in the movie and one of the many hobbies she engages in to keep herself from becoming totally bored is to bake, as indicated by one of the very first scenes in the movie. When her tower is intruded upon by a stranger, she repeatedly knocks him out with a cast iron frying pan, and this is an

The rolling pin thing is a bit confusing, but Rapunzel's adept use of a cast iron frying pan inspires not only Flynn Rider to adopt it, but the whole kingdom's law enforcement, soooo.

Gene Kelly. Absolutely no contest. Well, him or Malcolm X.

Yeah, that's my dude friends too. I have met guys like this. Like my abusive ex-bf from college. Good times! It really is a huge asshole detector.