
There's no "right" pace for a relationship. I started having sex with my now-husband about a week into our relationship and obviously I don't regret it for a moment since we are now six years happily married. It sounds like your ex is a douche. I don't think sex was the problem there - it sounds more like overall, you

Pumping is a gigantic, time-consuming nightmare for a lot of people. Not saying it isn't an option, but yowza. One's time is worth money too. I confess I may be a bit biased because I spent the first months of my son's life pumping every two hours and in breastmilk hell, but eh. "Just pump" is not usually the answer

Check out She dissects lots of studies as well as sharing more personal stories from people. It's a good jumping off point if nothing else. Also the is VERY abrasive and definitely not to everyone's taste, but she is pretty deft at dissecting the studies that supposedly prove

So I've heard! Yuck. Makes me angry that he's got such a "flawless" legacy to most people when he had some seriously awful beliefs/behaviors.

Ugh, thank you. The locker room thing makes me roll my eyes considering that in my part of the country less than half of boys are circumcised anyway. Why do so many people seem to ignore that part?

The rate of circumcision on infant boys these days if hovering aorund 55% from what I can find, so roughly half the boys in the locker room will be uncircumcised. That kinda cuts down on the teasing factor, I would think.

Please forgive my lack of knowledge on this — are there instances of boys being damaged by circumcision?

You know the rarity of Thin Mints only makes them taste more delicious.

Woohoo GSUSA. Love them to bits.

Ghandi is always the biggest asshole in my games. What the hell.

I don't think it would be impossible for them to have a ginger baby. However, just like lots of blonde babies who get darker hair as time goes on, not all ginger babies remain gingers. My son was born with red hair but now he's very blonde. I think it would be great if the royal baby had red hair though. Red-headed

Why the hell isn't there more stuff for us? I know apple is not quite as common as pear, but it's not exactly uncommon either. So tired of super tight-waisted pants that actually fit the rest of me, or super-baggy crap.

This is me. All the time. What we really need to do is find a good, affordable tailor, I think. When something fits my waist it's about 3 sizes too big for my hips/thighs/butt and four sizes too big for the rest of my legs. :( So sick of it. I just wanna show off my shapely legs, okay? They're what I have going for me!

I don't think most people expect that the breast will never be viewed in a sexual manner - it's that our culture has glorified a breast's sexiness as its main purpose to the point where some people are losing their shit over nursing in public.

Not every baby reponds positively to a nursing cover.

So newborn babies (0-3 months) and even slightly older babies need to eat about every 1.5-2 hours. Just thought you might want to know that, in case you thought for a moment that you were being reasonable.

If some batshit employer doesn't hire somebody because of a picture their parents took of them as a child, I don't think said hypothetical person wants to be working for that employer. That would be completely bonkers.

Yep, that's exactly the same reason I post pictures of my kid a few times a week. Otherwise, I get emails begging for pictures/details (in fact, I still get those like every day from the one grandparent who adamantly refuses to use FB).

725.5 for me. Don't ask how the .5 works. I think I was trying to be a smartass. Did you actually get the whole half gone like this guy, or did you just reach the center?

I did this once at about nine-years-old and thought I was terribly clever. I sent a letter to the company letting them know that it was 725.5 licks to the center, and they sent me back a nice letter and a little official certificate with the lick number and my name on it. Cute response and obviously an excellent ad