
Psh, I own a home and have a kid in my late twenties (not trying to brag at all, I married "up"/older is all) and I text and gchat my mom usually twice a day. I don't get what the big deal is. Surely people called their parents in 1970whatever?

Well that goes without saying (or maybe not, heh), but yes. Sounds like some really tragic business all around.

Poor man. :( The pressure and anguish and guilt must have been unbearable.

The reality is that a lot of folks will be uncomfortable with that/worried about getting the "right" thing. What I would recommend instead is either registering at two places with two different price points, or alternately learn from your friend's mistake and register for stuff in a wide range of prices. Register for

It's my understanding (and I may be totally off here) that her midwife declined to do a badly-needed forceps delivery because of a fear of giving the baby an ugly forceps injury/damaging the princess's reproductive system and ruining his reputation, so he didn't do much of anything at all except let her labor up until

Well, folk knowledge in any culture is not going to cover all the possible problems that can arise during birth, so actual medical training is of utmost importance. Also, no matter how trained someone is, if they don't have blood to give during a postpartum hemorrhage or the ability to perform a c-section if there's

I'm guessing about as many as I lost for that? I'm at about negative one hundred if you lose a point for every pregnancy donut.

Lately I have the dream where I'm pregnant and very happy about it, except that i am horribly upset at having forgotten to get any prenatal care. Naturally I give birth to some deformed inhuman thing. Same feeling as those didn't study for the test dreams, only way worse.

I have a ton of kitten dreams too - usually they are stranded by water (flooding in an animal shelter, perched on little stepping stones in a creek. Trying to keep them all corralled, happy, and alive is so stressful! I haven't heard of someone else who has them regularly. Cool.

That's so precious. Of course it makes you less of a mom/woman if you use drugs/medical interventions, because you are simply the sum of your reproductive organs. Orgasmic lotus water births ONLY if you want full points. (Btw if you can't breastfeed don't even bother having children, you sick fuck.)

It used to be a very subtle reddish color because of some chemical reaction between the buttermilk and cocoa. So at one time it was actually a real thing. Now it's usually just red dye.

Ha! I do. I love Oglaf. And I thought of that as well.

I was just about to say this! Length is not terribly important as long as it's around averageish. All about the girth.

Hahah. This was my son, completely. He screamed like a banshee EVERY. DAMN. TIME. He only stopped that when he started rolling over.

That is the most bizarre physical attractiveness hang-up I have ever heard of in my life. Jesus.

I think it's less the not-holding thing than the "everyone will put the fear of god into you if you let your baby EVER sleep in a non-back position" thing.

This lady speaks the truth on all counts. I'd also recommend carrying them in a sling/wrap sometimes when they're little - great for getting chores done. Not everyone likes them, but I found it really handy for doing other stuff while the baby slept to give him upright time.

Thanks! Gives me something to ruminate on. I have fine hair and had the same experience as well, so that's another win in the "natural" column.

Do you feel better/more confident now? I'm 27 and have A LOT of gray (got my first grey in 8th grade, oof). I'm talking probably 60% or more. I'm in the process of growing it out right now. Mostly I feel fantastic about it/saving money/not worrying about roots all the damn time, but once in awhile it takes all my

Yes! This! Or better yet, if you're familiar enough with the person, take your towels/washcloths/sheets and start a load. I certainly don't expect people to do it at my house, but I enjoy doing it for other people. Sometimes on my last day I end up being there for a few hours after waking and can get the linens dried