
I'm always baffled by those people. yeah.

They seem to be super on top of deleting breastfeeding photos for absolutely no fucking reason, so. Maybe they can divert some attention on to stuff that's actually offensive.

Placing an ad can be in an adventures in LOLs for sure. I got 200 responses once (not bragging at all, because that is just how CL works, there's certainly nothing special about me), and I swear at least half of them were married or definitely gave off a certain "I have a significant other at home" vibe. Then there

They're beautiful little shitheads. I have a pair that come to my feeder about once a day, and they make a big show of freaking out all the chickadees and nuthatches before they settle in for a meal wherein they eat all the nuts and sunflower seeds and make a big fucking mess. They have like one of the ugliest calls

Actually I find the whole thing about "penises are disgusting/uncut penises are REALLY disgusting" to be 100% awful and rude.

He needs to grow the fuck up. Seriously.

It's definitely erring more on the side of low fantasy as far as the TV show is concerned, IMO.

My favorite part is when they declare that he doesn't know what he's talking about. Yes, the guy with tons of restaurants and a bazillion Michelin stars definitely knows less about the restaurant business than you with your failing, outdated Italian restaurant in Shithole USA.

I would think so, yeah. I really cannot get my bra on if I try to clasp it at my back instead of my front. I mean I can, but it's extremely uncomfortable and just doesn't feel right.

On the Free Range Kids blog (basically a blog about the exact stuff you're talking about), there are TONS of instances of people calling the cops on people who let their kids walk three blocks to the park and play alone for half an hour or leave their kid in the car while they run into the post office for less than

I agree! Yeah, if that's the way they want it, fabulous. However, I really enjoy folding the laundry together and cooking together and discussing the budget together. I like taking turns on who gets to change this or that poopy diaper, or him sitting out in the yard talking to me while I weed (or me sitting at the

Excellent use of annotations here, Tracie.

Yeah, that's for sure. I'm not tall but I'm fat, and it's definitely easier for my husband to find clothes. He frequently laments that fact. I'd imagine dressing as a tall woman is just as hard as fat ladies, or pretty darn close.

Well my husband is six and a half feet tall and doesn't have a typical male body shape, so while men do usually have more options, it's not always easy for them to find clothes either.

Definitely not. There is some dumb big and tall stuff for men, but most of it looks exactly like what you'd find in your average Macy's mens section. It also holds up a lot better. My husband will buy a pair of moderately-priced (say, $40-50) jeans and they'll live through three cycles of dresses for me. :( Big and


Seconded! The image of Lindy peeling orange Oreo cream away from the cookie and holding it gingerly like a paper towel full of cat puke haunts my dreams.

What? Kilts are sexy as hell. I mean the potential for an (consensual) affectionate ass squeeze and... other stuff is extremely high. Plus the idea of a healthy sperm count makes me hot and bothered. C'mon now.

No we cannot.

What exactly does it mean when someone has red hair that isn't atop their head? Mr. Water had red hair as a kid - but now it's kind of a red-blonde-brown thing. His beard, however, is unmistakably red. I also dated a blonde guy with bright orange pubes. So what's up with that?