
VBACs (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) are becoming increasingly popular. And it's not a risk of tearing. It's a risk of uterine rupture along the previous incision, which can be (but is not always) a big danger to the baby and mother. I'd say most mothers now at least consider VBAC as an option. Birthing culture is

Ahh, see, if you're in Ontario then you have a CNM. Here in the US we have two different kinds of midwives - we have your kind, aka 6+ years of schooling and extensive training along with a lot of different healthcare provider privileges. Then we have CPMs or DEMs (Certified Professional or Direct Entry Midwives)

It's not. Check out if you are interested in seeing some stats/studies laid out in a logical fashion. Her tone is a bit harsher than I'd like on a lot of her posts, but I respect the work she does overall.

Yes, thank you! Not to mention that most C-sections are REPEAT C-sections, so of course the 30% cesarean rate looks a whole lot less scary when you break it down and see that in first-time mothers, the rate is closer to 5%-8%.

You're not banned...but everyone who says they are "five minutes from a hospital" is wrong. You may be a five minute drive, but that's after you get your laboring ass down the stairs - which could take a long time depending on pain levels. Then you get to the hospital and they have to evaluate you/get your blood


Ha! This gif is flawless. Exactly my expression when I read this comment.

It's really hard both ways. It took me a much longer while than I expected to finish my undergrad, primarily because I got married during college to a guy fresh out of grad school and for a couple years we just didn't know where we'd end up in the long run. Then I had a baby a few months after graduating, and though

Yeah, isn't that fun, the greys and acne at the same time? Guh. I remember a few years ago I asked my mom when she grew out of her acne, since I naively thought I would someday. She paused for a second, smiled serenely, and said, "I'll let you know when it happens."

Haha! I have that hair, only it's on my forehead and it's nearly invisible (I swear it's like a polar bear hair or something). So I finally see it when it's like, waving like a weather sock in 40 MPH winds as I move around. 3 inches long sounds about right.

Yeah, what JennaW said. Basically they just changed the whole fucking show around for no apparent reason. It was very fun and charming in the first season. I don't know what the hell they were thinking. Sigh.

I don't really see a huge problem with the leader of one of the most powerful/wealthiest/most influential countries in the world needing to have their whole family focused on that one career for a relatively brief period of time. It happens in families where someone isn't the president, too - someone moves the whole

All of her red carpet dresses have been pretty horrid. Too much fabric, too drapey, etc. I would LOVE to see her in something more structured. Instead it's fancy muu muss. :(

On one hand, I see your point. On the other, I cannot see how the president's spouse (man or woman) could possibly have the time/ability to hold down a stressful, demanding job while their partner was in the White House. How would they ever even get a moment to see each other? What about when they have to jet off to

Well, it's possible. I felt like that at 23 too, and then at 25 I had a similar revelation about omg aging. It did pass though. For some reason (at least for me personally), there was something scary about 25.

I felt this for about six months around my 25th birthday. I'm 27 now and it's not so bad, but it's definitely scary to think that I'm not super young anymore...just regular young. It was a mental hurdle I had to get over.

My c-section was pretty awesome. It got my unstable lie dude out very safely and happily. Recovery truly was not that bad at all. Very little pain after the first few days...and I only felt pain because I tried to cut back on pain meds too quickly!

Yeah, something really ticks me off about people who go out of their way to kill a bug. Okay, except for house centipedes. Shudder. But bees holy crap. Bees are cute! They're fuzzy. They make honey. They generally don't try to sting people who aren't being completely stupid.

I see your point about the hives but somehow it also seems crueler. Poor bees. :(

Glad it's not just me. I feel weirdly affectionate towards bees (well, lots of insects, actually), and it made me sick watching her pretty much force the bee to sting her.