
Maybe it's just because I'm having an emotional day, but the thought of this person killing dozens of bees a week to get high enrages me.

Eh, it's the weak chin I think.

It was like the most second-hand embarrassment line-dancing ever, somehow. "Anna...just stop. please. STAHP. YOU'RE NOT THAT GOOD AND YOU MADE SUCH A BIG DEAL ABOUT IT WHY."

Because people have to get places? Because parents aren't going to let themselves be trapped within driving distance for the entirety of the time they have a child three and under (which for some parents could be, you know, a decade or more)? An adoption across several states or countries? I mean seriously. People

Thanks, I'll check it out! I've been in a major baking mood lately.

You're the very reason that everyone else who DOESN'T have a reaction absolutely must be vaccinated. You have a valid reason. Dipshits who have absolutely no family history of bad reaction but don't want to do vaccines "Because toxins/autism/who the fuck knows" are putting people like you and your family in danger.

I believe it was chocolate and buttermilk. I wish I could get my hands on an original recipe too!

I do too! I wanna come! I just made some fresh rosemary bread and I promise to bring it...

Yeeeah it's supposed to be something you can get having had several years away from school, among other things. Someone fresh out of high school would, barring other learning disabilities or test-taking issues, be able to just ace it.

No, she got it at the end of Season 2. It took her over 2 years. Seriously. She didn't even have to study for most of the tests so it could have been much, MUCH faster. I mean isn't it supposed to just take two or three months of studying? at most?

Yeah. It bothers me so freaking much. I look at Kailyn who truly has very little at this point (no money, no parents in town to fall back on, etc), and she's got her shit together. I think she had to grow up fast because of her shitty mom before she ever got pregnant, though. And then the fucking GED thing. GET. YOUR

Depends on the context. Is it a cheap piece of shit from Target or a dish in a restaurant? They shouldn't be charged. Is it something from an independent business? Then they probably should be charged, though ideally they would immediately offer to pay anyway.

If anything, I've found the opposite. That isn't to say that I think kids should be plopped in front of the TV all day, but usually kids who watch a bit of TV during the week learn that other humans aren't responsible for their amusement 24/7.

Yeah, I think the lack of ability to parent a child as a community is where a lot of these problems come in. As a kid, I knew that if I was fucking around, I could count on any available adult (especially another child's parent) to set me straight. I have a very distinct memory of being at my BFF's birthday party, and

I really, truly do not think that's what the quote is meant to express. Nowhere in that quote do I see a claim or implication that straight women generally have it worse than gay men and women. The quote is about the shitty, disrespectful, and dehumanizing attitudes homophobic men and their skewed view of the world.

That's the number one stupidest thing about MRA stuff. As far as their original complaints go, feminists are actually more likely to be on "their side" than anyone else. Stuff like we should recognize and care for male rape and domestic abuse victims? Hell yeah. We should not assume that women are the primary

Whoever is doing that is a shithead, and that has nothing to do with being a parent and everything to do with being an asshole.

I love the WbaK series. So cute and hilarious. I love the zany ideas they come up with.

I have a pretty thick pelt when I don't trim and that method works fine for me. I honestly just graze a disposable razor over the area so I can leave, as you named it, a layer of peachy fuzz. There's no fucking way I'm putting up with the bumps ever again.

By cruel did you actually mean total perfection?