
I have this dream several times a year. It's horrible!

Spiders are my friends. House centipedes can GO TO HELL AHHH GET IT AWAY ASL;DKFJALSKDJF

Hey look, an advice column that's actually well-written and fun to read.

You've inspired me! I started going grey when I was 14 and I just decided thanks to all these comments/this article to just let it go. I think I'm at least 75% grey if my roots are anything to judge by.

AHHH thank you. This is one of the best things I've ever seen. Everything about it is perfect.

I screamed at the headline. PULLING OUT IUDS what why how why no no no no.

Yes'm. Check out

Bullshit on the only prescribing HBC. There is spironolactone, metformin, diet changes, etc that can help a lot. Obviously I'm not a doctor, but I would recommend going on a low-carb diet and seeing if that helps. I'm not talking extremely low carbs, maybe eating 75 carbs a day, which I've found to be a huge help. I

It's under-diagnosed.

You need a new doctor. I have no cysts on my ovaries but all the other markers for PCOS. I have been diagnosed and am on Metformin (a diabetes drug that can also help with PCOS) and it has made a huge difference for me (less acne, body hair, the dark ring around my neck is almost gone). She's also made a diet and

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of circumcision, personally. I didn't get my son circumcised because I felt it unnecessary and

:( That's depressing. Still, mean aren't asked to lop off various bits of penis to be more aesthetically pleasing...or I suppose the more accurate equivalent would be...scrotum smoothing? I dunno. I would feel sad for anyone getting their genitalia scoffed at/laughed at like that though.

Go for it! I would definitely lean towards kitten or a for-sure dog-friendly cat, just so the living with a dog thing is not a problem. Cats and dogs can definitely be bffs. Not to be all tmi and gross, but when I was a kid, our cat had kittens, and our Scottish terrier (who adored her) very carefully licked the

That is terrible. :(

Nothing at all. Maybe you are more particular than most people, or less sexual than most people?

Eh, it depends. I would say for most people that's probably true, but I got married at 21 and don't regret it for a moment. The only thing I would change is having more people I could relate to in my age range, but that's not all that big of a thing, because I love having friends with different life

Six nights is a lot in a very small dorm room with a four-year-old, especially when you didn't even remotely sign up for it.


Wow. This sounds very familiar. At 27, I'm just now starting to get a handle on it. When we got sweets, it was nearly always my father sneaking them to us during a trip to the grocery store or something. My relationship with my father was otherwise very negative, so going by Dairy Queen for a milkshake gives me an

I think you're behind the times. Old, "ugly" names are in. Hortense isn't quite there yet, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it have its heyday in a few years...