
Every man I ever dated who was fixated on the state of my pubes turned out to be a complete ass. Make of that what you will.

This comment made me smile. I once had a boyfriend with bright orange pubes (but not red hair), and I always found it extremely sexy. I don't know why.

Well the Ancient Egyptians seemed pretty particular about grooming, so it wouldn't surprise me.

Once it's soft and well-groomed, not really.

There's a world of difference between an unruly beard and a nicely-groomed beard that doesn't scratch my skin to rawness when making out. The problem is that there are lots of men who don't seem to get that part. Beards are sexy as hell.

Now I'm thinking of "O Brother, Where Art Thou". THESE BOYS IS NOT WHITE. I pictured the same thing.

Thanks! YES. I love love love them and that song and that album...and all their albums. I'm so jealous you got to see it live! I've watched some videos online and it looks awesome. I did get to see them live for their The King is Dead tour, and that was so much fun.

Yeeeah I think I may have overreacted a bit because I'm very high-strung this week about the CT shootings. Bleah. I burst into tears on the way home from the grocery store just thinking about it and I probably shouldn't have clicked on this story in the first place.

I agree wholeheartedly!

I'm not getting hostile because they don't like kids. I totally respect people who don't generally like being around kids. I'm getting hostile because saying "kids suck" is ridiculous and really crossing a line. It's like saying "Men suck!" or "Old people suck!" and it pisses me off.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I generally take it to mean that they may or may not believe in a deity, but that they definitely believe in soul/spirit/possibly afterlife but generally want to disassociate themselves from organized, institutionalized religion. I think it depends a whole lot on who's saying it.

It's definitely a modern thing denoting Norse pagans.

Are YOU a doctor? I've read quite a few of the prominent breastfeeding studies (or I did when I was pregnant about a year ago, anyway), and most of them have confounding factors out the ass (which is sort of the way it goes with those studies, so no big deal, it just doesn't paint the full picture).

I'm strongly considering buying one. I LOVE fizzy water, and though my husband has cut way back on soda, it'd be nice to be able to drink the occasional soda at home.

I don't taste anything but sweet with stevia/truvia either. I love it, but I don't use it for baking, because the texture just isn't right. I use it when I make iced tea/tea/coffee, though. I also use it in my morning yogurt thing that I make.

Pretty much what everyone else said. Pumping is basically the worst of both worlds - very time-consuming (like the first couple months of breastfeeding) with lots of stuff to clean and sterilize like bottlefeeding. And as soon as you get done pumping and cleaning up, it's practically time to feed the baby again. It

I think it's pretty regional.

My husband calls that a misery dick-measuring contest. I hate it too.

Now I'm curious - what did they say?