
So God is a fucking vampire now, or what?

A sample size of 24? What was even the point? That said, I did get the weight gain guidelines towards the beginning of pregnancy, but never heard anything about exercise recommendations. I did end up doing about 240 minutes of exercise a week, but that was my own choice. I thought the general recommendation was to not

I'm sick to my fucking end of putting off this extremely important discussion. Then it never ends up happening.

I love fantasy/reading, but I CANNOT STAND LOTR.


What's a diminishiblehbluhhh?

Guh. At least you've been holding it in! Thanks for that. Someone on Jez spoiled it for me big time a couple months ago. Boo. :(

I once had like a 75 day period. SO AWESOME. I'm not 40, though. My mom had periods like yours in her 40s and ended up needing a hysterectomy. You should see a doctor just to make sure everything's alright (and maybe get some of the good iron pills).

Surgery. That's about it.

Nah. I have terrible period shits but I didn't have any bowel issues while pregnant, weirdly enough!

Well a lot of PCOS women just go on birth control pills, which is not a bad option if they work for you. Those will start up your period all on their own basically the same way.

PCP = primary care provider

Talk to your PCP, ask them to do the relevant bloodwork (a1c, fasting blood sugars, hormone levels), and then get a referral to an endocrinologist.

Ohh my god I love you. I'm so glad I'm not the only one here. is so up its own ass it can't breathe.

I wonder if it's a lack of boundaries about technology thing, more than the technology itself. My husband's a techie and we're both into computer games, but as my son grows up there will definitely be times where no electronics will be allowed (mealtimes, when someone is conversing with you, etc). I see a lot of


I hate how people take it so literally and seriously that they turn their baby's head away from the screen like they're afraid of their baby losing his or her screen virginity or something.

Go fuck yourself.

Haha. I was just thinking, "I'unno, he's probably King Candy's younger brother?"

Are you me? Probably not, because our bathroom is more like 1970s, but despite a professional cleaning job before we moved in, the master shower was DISGUSTING. I've worked on it over the course of five months now, and I'm convinced there will always be nasty black crap in certain areas no matter what I do. :(