
This whole "I won't get the tests because I don't plan on terminating" thing is unfortunately all too common. I mean okay, you wouldn't abort - so what? DS kids can have some serious physical issues as well, most notably heart defects. I can't understand why someone would rather have it be an unpleasant surprise in

Mariah's dress is very...Mariah.

Nice! Perhaps a bit yearbook, but still serviceable.


Warmly? Or maybe that's too touchy-feely.

Well it obviously wasn't completely pointless, because she got a response from management, albeit not the one she wanted. And despite the over the top nastiness of her original post, something can be deleted from a Facebook page, whereas her giving them a one star review on Yelp would be far worse for business,

I see your point, but writing a negative Yelp review is potentially a helluva lot more damaging than writing a nasty FB post.

Absolutely. If this guy had taken the high road and replied deftly and diplomatically, he would have earned more customers. Someone dealing with a difficult and potentially explosive customer service situation always grabs my attention, anyway.

It's entitlement to want a non-shitty meal at a restaurant now? Was her post a bit aggressive? Yes. I certainly wouldn't make a post/comment like that on FB. I would either address it at the restaurant or call to speak with the manager at a later date. But the general gist of her post, which is that she paid good

As I see it, making an FB comment about the shittiness of her meal was a chance to make it right, and the owner massively bungled it. He could make his restaurant look good by immediately responding to her with an offer to return for a comped meal and an apology, etc.


I can get on board with all of that. We need to move past "hey, a very profitable movie that appeals to young girls!" and get to "Hey, a very high quality and profitable movie that appeals to young girls and has a female protagonist, passes the Bechdel test, etc"

Well you could say that about most action movies, too, and although people might chuckle at their silly plots in passing, they don't get the same level of rabid haters. I'm not in any way defending Twilight's shittiness, but seriously.

Trader Joe's! They call them "Seaweed Snacks" there.

If I hadn't ever tried it I'd think it sounded nasty too, to be honest.

You hush. Coffee yogurt is fucking AMBROSIA.

Me too! They weren't patronizing at all. Seemed like they all treated her just how they'd treat any other little kid football player. The head pats and gentle maneuvering to get her to face the camera along with all those big guys kinda half-crouching to address her made me smile.

Bring a big, beautiful bunch of autumnal flowers.

Oh lord. That Thing You Do! came out when I was 11. My parents rented it one evening and I was IN LOVE. I had that terrible little puppy lovesick tummyache for WEEKS realizing that Johnathon Schaech was way too old and gorgeous for me.

Today's my birthday too! Always loved sharing one with Mickey. :)