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I agree! Actually, I've been annoyed to DEATH by this commercial lately (keeps popping up on Hulu, bleah). It's so LADY-ORIENTED. "Look at her pink lips! And her pink tank top! She was probably doing yoga right before this! YOGURT! WHOLE GRAINS!" And of course, the "granola bar" probably has like 37g of sugars per

Very likely, yes.

The sad bit is that in female-dominated professions, dudes tend to get put on a pedestal a bit, like it's just SOOO amazing that a big, strong man would want to do lady work, and isn't he sensitive and wonderful? ~*~*~

Baby is not a medical term - it's subjective. For some people, it would be a baby, but if you're getting an abortion, you probably wouldn't call it a baby.

If a guy didn't want children, I would want him to be upfront with me. I don't think what you're saying is unacceptable. You'd just have to accept that you were ruling out a big chunk of the dating pool - not really a bad thing in my opinion. Better to find someone who is also child-free and adamant about it.

Get out of my head.

I grew up on the east side as well, and I really do think it's starting to change a bit. It's still crazy, but it's slowly evolving.

My mom knows this lady. I got introduced to her this summer and was a bit tongue-tied, since it was post-viral video and all. She's very lovely and warm in person as well, and she 100% believes this. We Washingtonians are lucky to have her! I hope more Republicans follow suit. A girl can dream...

Yesss. So glad I wasn't the only one to think this. Man, I still have a special place in my heart for that silly movie.

You're right. I meant to imply that that whole role for her is becoming less and less believable. But since she has a round, sweet face instead of your typical hot girl look, she'll probably always get those roles.

Have you seen Ginnifer Goodwin lately?

Don't EVEN speak that into existence! HUSH.

Having grown up in a rural area, yes. Lots of kids drive really young around the farm with no problems. It wouldn't be the best idea in the world, but I think they could pass the driving part of the test, and the written test is pretty much rote memorization, so. It's not our of the realm of possibility at all.

What will happen if a lot of people (but obviously still a minority) vote for Jill Stein and Obama loses, is that those nearest and dearest to me will no doubt suffer a great deal, and the lives of people in the places you speak of will get WORSE. I don't enjoy being somewhat

Who is the "we" in "We have the internet now"? No, we do not all have the internet, even now. Some people can't afford the internet or a computer or even a smartphone/tablet. Or they may have one computer in a household that someone else needs for something more urgent (like searching for employment) than children's

Honestly, they could and should show both shows, because the animated show is geared towards babies/toddlers vs. Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, which to me is more for preschool/school age children. It's a sweet show, though. My son enjoys it a lot.

My kid loves this too. He's only 7 months old, so he watches it about once a week max, but we love to sing the songs. It warms the cockles of my heart.

I'm baffled by your use of the words "implied" and "implies". My comment implied nothing, because it explicitly stated the reason why there is no middle ground in Jezebel's coverage. Your interpretation of my simple statement is truly bizarre.

When did I say that wasn't important? The reality is that a Green Party candidate is not going to win. That sucks. However, it's an entirely separate discussion from Jezebel doing positive stories about Mitt Romney just to be "unbiased" or whatever. And I certainly don't think Romney is going to do BETTER on those

Hahaha. Perfection.