
Hrm...I would recommend the Dragon Age series or Skyrim. I love both, in fact. Skyrim is a little more open-ended, whereas the Dragon Age games are more linear, but they also have awesome storylines and you get to have really intimate friendships/relationships with the characters around you. Skyrim is less of a

Lok'tar ogar, bitches.

Typical angry green woman.

It's really the only option. Okay, maybe the purple-eyed one too. The rest are...not...right. I wouldn't mind having a tough-looking toon, just the faces are permanent snarls. That just doesn't seem comfortable! :P

Not to mention that orc is fucking adorable. My lady orc wants to invite her lady orc over for some chest bumping, bar brawls, and Brewfest drinks. Putting a picture of a WoW character on anything in an attempt to make something seem scary is hilarious and pathetic.

And even if they are playing with "strangers" at first, nearest and dearest friends are people I've known from WoW for, shit, going on four years now. We've taken vacations together, stayed in each other's homes, helped each other through difficult times, sent gifts, etc. If WoW's not a legitimate way to

Sadly, I'm not sure I can take credit for it! I heard it somewhere (can't remember where) many moons ago and fell in love with it, just as you have.

LOL at "be forced to endure".

I prefer to think of myself as Borg, actually. Pregnancy and menstruation really gets in the way of all that forced assimilation, you know? Hence my need for access to abortion and birth control.

I think I just stated it pretty clearly in my first comment.

You mean the middle ground where I, as a Vagina-American, have autonomy over my own body and a reasonable ability to address any medical issues that may arise relating to said vagina?

I don't drink often because my husband doesn't drink. He doesn't drink because he has a lot of alcoholics and clinically depressed people in his family, and he'd like to avoid that and feels avoiding alcohol will help him. He hasn't had like any personal or traumatic experiences with alcoholism, but he knows it's

Don't underestimate the importance of body language, though.

I'm giving my seven month old son a whole lot of side eye right now.

Thanks to the 19th/20th century eradication of wolves, coyotes have spread from their natural habitats and just spread all over the US, and they looove free garbage food (not to mention cats that roam at night.). I grew up in Anchorage, too. I was a bit disappointed when I moved to the lower 48 and there weren't giant

Oh man. You really dodged a bullet on spending more time with that bizarre, ridiculous "friend".

I agree completely. As a kid, my parents' idea of a fun weekend night was going over to the neighbors' house for homemade nachos and a movie someone already owned or having a glass of wine with friends on the back patio. There was also going on country drives or eating dessert while watching thunderstorms from the

Ugh. So dumb. How is it that so many Christians read that and think that it's about masturbation/birth control and not disobeying God's express command? Just like Lot/the visiting angels/Sodom and Gomorrah - only a real moron could read it and think it has anything at all to do with consensual gay sex and not a city

Oh you silly thing. You're a woman, which means you're already doing everything wrong.

Oh, sorry, I was unclear. I know that people can go a long time without ovulating while breastfeeding. It was more that I didn't want people to get the impression that they don't need to use birth control while breastfeeding, which is one of the ways two under two happens.