Anna Merlan's Ball Sack

The usual suspects are to blame: Democrats and Republicans.

I think “deeply mediocre” is pretty generous, considering their last winning season was in 2003.

They finished 3rd out of 4th in a division whose champion isn’t going to the Super Bowl. It’s a mediocre team.

A true Gurley-Mann backfield tandem.

A deeply mediocre team quarterbacked by Nick Foles isn’t exactly a big draw for the citizens of Los Angeles

move the goal posts much? first equality in military - now we want to abolish draft

“cis” isn’t a real thing.

Well it’s good for the girl, who it turns out was not raped after all. That’s a pretty good thing. Her accusation is horrible, but I am glad that it is untrue.

“you brain dead bowl of fetid shitballs”

She really got you buzzing, didn’t she? Game, set and match to Anna.

Without which we probably wouldn’t grow food in the US. You really should look into the economics of growing food. But, since you resort to ad hominem attacks first, I doubt you do difficult things like research. You just stick to hating on things you have no real knowledge of. What a waste of a mind.

Good thing that the winner of the Iowa Caucus isn’t always the one that eventually wins the party nomination, huh?

I mean, hell, Bill Clinton won the presidential election in 1992 without winning either of the first two states in the primaries.

So why the emphasis on transpeople, if the murders aren’t related directly to their status as a transperson?

I would be quite surprised if a police report did not use a victims legal name.

That’s a huge straw-man. The comment was basically saying that people from Iowa and are in agriculture are inferior. Racists and bigots think that way.

Agriculture is one of those areas where people must work smart to keep doing it.

It most certainly is. You think doctors and lawyers floated to where they are, and continue to do so? If you’re not working hard, you are an idiot. And no ‘working hard’ is not the opposite of ‘working smart’. Try not to govern your life with contextless philosophical pleasantries - oh wait, you’re liberal and you

Where was anybody saying was supposed to be representing a cross section of the US? The Iowa caucus is to determine who Iowans would like to see represent the party in the general election.

You’re so right. Every major decision should only be made by you and people who look like you. Fuck diversity.

And many of them work pretty hard. I guess you have something against people based on where they live and what they do.