Anna Merlan's Ball Sack

“Punishment first, trial later” is pretty much how it goes on campus these days.

He’s pled not guilty so...

I have a question...did he like already admit to doing this? I mean, it seems like he is having the book thrown at him and he hasn’t even been tried yet. I am all for safety, and keeping rapists away from those they could victimize; but why is he being punished already?

Maybe it’s as simple as Texas in 1960, white man murders a Latina?

I made this joke for the sole purpose of seeing how long it would take you, and only you, to get annoyed by it. Thanks.

If the gun truly went off when he was surprised by a sound in a darkened stairwell (remember, HUD came under fire for not keeping the lights on in these stairwells) it is truly a terrible mistake and nothing like the outright murders of black people that have taken place elsewhere across this great cuntry. We

“Bill Cosby raped me.”

I never get the people who complain about the Oscars being too long. If I had something important to be doing I wouldn’t be watching the Oscars in the first place.

Most people who throw around trigger warnings don’t have PTSD. How do we know? Statistics, frankly.

They allegedly offered her the job, so...

“Confident and natural on stage, the host—who’s currently (as no one’s been able to let her forget) the only woman in late night—...”

Gotta admit; Samantha Bee has always been one of my least favorite comedians on The Daily Show. Except maybe Rob Cordrie who just rubs me the wrong way.

She’s doing a great job so far. I just can’t wait for her to make one “problematic” joke which will then cause Jez’ undying love and admiration make a 180 because let’s face it, if there’s one thing Jez loves to do is to build up strong women only to tear them down for even the tiniest of perceived slights and for the

And once again we see leftists turning on each other. (Not that Bill was anything other than a charismatic Neo-liberalist.)

He’s a deputy—at schools, you have your Coordinator who oversees the show, but they can appoint deputies who then are responsible for directly managing certain parts. Having your director of student conduct who oversees the resolution of student complaints is very normal.

KU Coach calls out dick move.

Nah, dunking on a team as they are going to shake your teammates hands is a way bigger dick move.

Wilt Chamberlain still holds the Kansas record for biggest dick moves tho.

If you’re an ass hole in public, then you should get called out in public.