Anna Merlan's Ball Sack

You, on the other hand, have nothing nice to offer the world.

It’s actually not ‘the people’ who say that, the presumption of innocence is a core principle and a right of any accused in a criminal trial and also part of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You make it sound like it’s something dirty. That’s a bit irritating.

Nobody cares about your porn obsession.

Careful, or the berners will hurl their feces at you for not embracing their planless messiah

Bernie Sanders Makes Another Sweeping Proclamation With No Plan

With all respect, the title of the article has the term White Privilege right in it. Get a grip.

Regarding white privilege, IDEGAF. My world was built by people that looked close enough to me in genetic diversity that I grew up well. Homogeneous, if you will. I never even saw a black person in real life (outside school trips to Toronto) until I was 13 years old, and it was longer than that before I ever saw a

Depending on the airlines, that’s a few hundred to a thousand dollar difference. I’d be ticked too.

Right? Why can’t famous people bitch about little annoyances as well?

I’d be mad if I paid for first class and got moved to coach too.

You’re way too rational, you’re supposed to write in all caps that he’s the devil himself and shouldn’t have the right to a defense.

Doesn’t this seem reasonable? Like whatever we think of Bill Cosby, defending yourself from a lawsuit by claiming the charges are untrue is pretty much what every person ever charged has done. We have trials and all that to sort out who is telling the truth. You can’t just accuse someone of something, and when they

unfortunately he came back to plant a murder weapon.


Technically, every day is progress toward the future.

You’re a fucking moron. The many used quotation marksaroubd “likely” because those are not his words. They came from an official NFL investigation and the author is pointing a league that made a conclusion that something nefarious “likely” happened cannot allow this new problem to happen only a year later in the same

Look, Brady tried to cheat. He might not have succeeded, but he tried. Just admit we’re cheaters and get over it.

Did these “hundreds of scientists” also explain one of the equipment managers being nicknamed “the deflator” and Brady destroying his cell phone?

I don’t believe it’s racist to simply choose the best performances from the past year. People should be awarded for their talent and hard work, the colour of your skin should not be a reason to receive recognition. If there was an actor of colour that was worthy of a nomination from 2015 I highly doubt the Academy

Cosby walks. Suck it Gawker, you are going to have to witch hunt elsewhere to ruin another black man’s career, legacy and life.