
Charlie Brooker's twitter feed has a number of people asking when the episode is going to end…

I watched "Lord Love a Duck"(… )when it showed up late one night on our relatively conservative TV channel for seemingly no reason.

Actually a good deal of middle eastern turmoil can be traced to a couple of British dudes and their love of straight lines.

Look what Bush managed to accomplish in terms of human rights:

Supreme court nominees…

I loved The Middleman tv series (have not read the original comics though) and I think it would slot really well into Telltale games as a Sam and Max style adventure/puzzle solver!

The first 2 Miles Vorkosigan novels (Warriors' Apprentice and the Vor game by Lois Mcmaster Bujold), they were shelved as YA when I was a kid and they're fantastic (I dragooned my bf into reading them and he came away wishing he had read them as a teen). They're smart and fast paced and funny.
Megan Whalen Turner's

In answer to D, it is petty if the outcomes you are going to achieve by following your "ethics and morals" are objectively worse for the entire world (especially considering how much action is currently needed on climate change).
TLDNR —There is no perfect political system and you're always going to compromise on

I have this terrible (yet oddly compelling) theory that Archer is going to turn out to have been fathered by a time travelling Cyril Figgis.

I honestly don't remember it was something sitting on a trolley, I think, I'm pretty sure no one was actually injured though.

According to local papers the audience were complete unaware that anything was wrong and the production has since been shut down (there's a decent chance that someone is going to face some nasty fines since they were warned that real razors might not be the best idea).

As always I recommend Abby Howard of Junior Scientist Power Hour

Because I was the annoying little snot who couldn't resist answering questions in class:
1) Maori for strong woman (sorry I don't know how to do macrons)
2) Just Another F****** Aucklander

The Tampa Bay Bucks already ticked one off the list.

Just FYI in Australia and New Zealand "coconut" is sometimes used as a nasty racial slur for Pacific Islanders (including Samoans).

Norrell did those rain ships that briefly unnerved the French, he is also working on "barriers" (not particularly successfully).

The TV series is staying suprisingly true to the spirit of the book (there were complaints about Childermass being too young/handsome but his actor is doing a superb job). Obviously it's cut down but I think they are keeping the right things.

Um have you seen Patrick Warburton

Which version of the "actual tenets of Christianity"?
Anglican (where women are now pretty entrenched in the hierachy).Presbytarian,Quaker or Methodist(ditto)?

It kind of was
He got very involved afterwards…nothing of what he did could be considered solving crimes however…causing them yes, making terrifically witty comments yes but definitely not *preventing* crime.