
He's not a love interest just yet but Ezekial Stone (played by John Kim) of the librarians is about as well-rounded as any other character on that show. He's playing the genial rogue which I don't tend to associated with stereotypically Asian roles.

I agree with Kurt Vonnegut but would also go with Terry Pratchett (the collected works ) or Steve Universe (especially if you want an AI that inclines less towards destroying its makers)

Actually Pratchett fans have been donating to Alzheimers related causes ever since his illness was announced.

If we are talking slightly less well-known web comics artists who deserve a wider audience and are women:
Abby Howard of Junior Scientist Power Hour (and an ongoing serial called The Last Halloween ) who is sort of a mashup of Kate Beaton, Hyprbole and a Half and Jhonen Vasquez.

I did a full reread recently and it was amazing.
There are tiny details like Elaine at the start of the series working on words with her father and having those words pretty much define her varying roles.
Also Christopher Rudd is an amazing creation with a unique story arc.
Basically this work deserves much better.

Or the fall and rise of Christopher Rudd?

By the time she's god she's a lot older, relatively speaking (and also dead)
Still not ruling hedgehogs though.

From memory the book had the main character using Wesley relentlessly for hate sex (and to escape her crappy and growing crappier home life) until realising that he was a person with feelings (even if he was a rich jerk).

I was under the impression that workers in hazardous occupations were required to wear safety gear appropriate for the level of risk.

I fully support this provided bar-staff are issued gas masks and required to wear them while at work (call it a doctor who theme…it will be great).
Smoking is a health and safety nightmare.

From an NZ perspective I tend to associate poppies with people dying bravely but ultimately achieving very little, since poppies come out around ANZAC day (which started as a comemoration of Gallipoli which is pretty much the textbook example of lots of people dying for very little).

You don't get to the conditions that were ripe for Nazism without the treaty of Versailles.

DOES it matter?—losing your legs?… For people will always be kind, And you need not show that you mind When the others come in after hunting To gobble their muffins and eggs. 5 Does it matter?—losing your sight?… There’s such splendid work for the blind; And people will always be kind, As you sit on the

I saw someone who looked a lot like Steven Colbert walking through downtown Wellington…and then completely dismissed it because what on earth would he be doing on the other side of the world.

I was mostly just relieved that the movie didn't Eat Pray Love the Camino.