
I watched half of it last week, and it was trying way too hard to be “edgy” with wannabe twisted humor. I found it boring and trite.

I even like the Rosa/Charles relationship, seeing how Charles gets to her sentimental side even as she threatens to cut him or punch him for making her smile.

Yeah, I didn’t like the running joke of the staff being mean to Gary, or constantly shooting down his opinions. Even if he does have a happy home life and succeeds in the long run, the constant derision and hate of him was old fast.

I stopped watching halfway through the first season. When Todd showed up, I thought, “OK, Phil’s not the last man on Earth anymore, so the title is moot.” And more people kept showing up, and it just seemed like any other sitcom, and got boring. I liked Phil better when he was on his own and all beard-y, not when he

I didn’t like that Ramona didn’t seem to have a personality in the movie, and that her exes had way more personality and character than she did. I couldn’t see why Scott was trying to win her, besides her good looks. That sucks that the movie didn’t depict her well, I just thought she was an empty character and being

I was blown away by Moon, and a little underwhelmed by Source Code. I think Source Code seemed more “mainstream” and less impressive, but if I don’t compare it to Moon, it’s a pretty good movie on its own. I would enjoy seeing another movie by Duncan Jones.

She’s been doing Broadway a lot lately. She starred in A Trip to Bountiful with Vanessa Williams and Cuba Gooding, Jr., and is in a new play with James Earl Jones now.

They really do. And I like that the show will focus on heroic people who happen to be minorities, and they will do color-blind casting for some people. Like Maya Rudolph (of African and European heritage) played a Colombian drug lord, or Jason Momoa (of Hawaiian/Pacific descent) playing Jim Thorpe, a Native American.

My grandma worked at the New York Times in the 1970s and 1980s, and when walking in Times Square, she would see teen girl prostitutes on the street with their pimps controlling them. That sounds very sad and depressing for the girls, and not a time to return to.

Thank you. I don’t find it funny at all to make fun of Busey for being “weird” because he has brain damage. Even if he makes fun of it sometimes, it’s not for others to do, especially not in this b.s. writing mocking him.

I watched the first hour of it, and kept it on mute for the second hour while I talked to my mom on the phone. I found it boring, trying way too hard to be campy, couldn’t stand Emma Roberts (I know she was playing a bitch, but her acting is obnoxious), and only really liked Ariana Grande’s death scene because it was

Right, both Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube have been married since the early-mid 90’s. It doesn’t mean they are faithful (I doubt it with Snoop), but they got married at the heights of their careers, likely to women who they dated in high school.

There’s a really good reference to Dead Man in Smoke Signals, where Gary Farmer is playing the father to Adam Beach’s character in a childhood flashback. The father asks his son who his favorite Indian is, and the kid keeps saying, “Nobody,” which enrages the dad. Farmer played an Indian named Nobody in Dead Man, so I

I just started watching it. It’s a pretty dark comedy about a mother and daughter who are both recovering addicts, and trying to live a sober life while dealing with their relationship and family issues. It gets redundant sometimes, as they frequently argue, and the laugh track at lame jokes can be distracting, but

Good point! I nearly fell asleep during that movie.

This movie looks badass as hell. Thank you for posting this.

This is a really good movie. The director had done stunt coordinating, so he knew how to stage good action scenes and explosions. The story was tight, it didn’t drag, I liked Lundgren’s dry demeanor, and though his partner was a square, he wasn’t annoying or dull. It was a solid B action movie, and had one of the best

It wasn’t on often. It debuted for one season about 2-3 years ago, and just now came back with a second season. It seemed more like a summer replacement show than a regular series.

True. She is gorgeous and stunning, so she looked good in pretty much everything she was in. Her acting skills are just limited and weak, especially whenever she played someone poor (Losing Isaiah, Monster’s Ball, Jungle Fever). She always sounded really forced and trying hard to sound “street,” and it came off as

I am into sci-fi, and didn’t watch it because it looked dull from the promos. That’s great that it has a majority black cast, but I still think the story sounds boring.