
She was really good in Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, I think that’s the best performance I’ve seen her deliver.

That was really good. I don’t really like Lindy West because she can have an abrasive, sensationalized, willfully ignorant tone in her work, but that was well-written and right-on.

I really like Airheads a lot (I may have first seen it as a kid and dug it), but on a recent re-watch, I realized that Steve Buscemi, who was semi-known at the time (for Reservoir Dogs, but not Fargo-mainstream famous), was a big scene-stealer, and was the most engaging actor in the movie, next to Joe Mategna. Buscemi

I loved the first half of Harlem Nights, but when it turned into a heist movie, it got boring for me. It was like the comedy and momentum had been lost. But the first half, with Della Reese, Redd Foxx, Richard Pryor, and Eddie Murphy all taking potshots at each other is great. Eddie’s character goes on a long string

I re-watched Encino Man recently, and Fraser’s performance is the best part of the movie. Sean Astin’s character is really whiny and bland in it, and Pauly Shore gets annoying fast. Fraser’s performance as a curious and fun-loving caveman is really enjoyable to watch, and carries the movie.

She was in Machete and did OK in it, though it didn’t do much for her career.

I read about him on a blog about faded actors. It seemed like he made some bad movie choices, got his scene cut from Terminator 2 (though not his fault), passed on movies that seemed too hard for him to understand (The Usual Suspects), and didn’t seem too bright. He is still a solid actor, he just didn’t capitalize

Yeah, something badass like The Score, where he plays a jewel thief in Montreal. Not something where he’s a cuddly inoffensive dad type.

She’s in a new movie now that looks pretty TV-movie boring (she’s getting stalked by her ex-boyfriend who seems to have a psycho past), but it’s nice seeing her onscreen again anyway.

Boomerang is pretty much one of the best movies he’s ever made, and it’s not that well-remembered despite having a very good cast and a stellar look at a black-owned corporate world.

Stealing from Saks, mental issues, aging out of waifdom/cuteness, and being overshadowed by Angelia Jolie and others in Girl, Interrupted.

She was really funny in The Private Lives of Pippa Lee and The Ten. She has a good knack for weird comedy, and I think she has done her “penance” long enough.

She is good, I am just tired of seeing her play suburban moms a lot. It seems like ages ago that she played a badass double agent on T.V., now she’s always someone’s soccer mom.

No. He is a terrible film director, has a whiny voice, and lucked into Scrubs being a good show.

She pretty much chose to step back, to be a hippie with a private life in L.A. and just make occasional appearances. She was awesome on Drunk History. :)

I totally agree on this. My favorite performances of his have been in School Ties, Gods and Monsters, The Mummy, Blast from the Past, Encino Man, Bedazzled, Airheads, and his cameo in Now & Then. He is a damn good dramatic actor and a hilarious comedic actor, but got stuck in doing bad kids’ movies and dealing with

Williams was excellent as a diabolical Urkel, he really surprised me when I found out that was him. He just nailed the coldness and evil-genius nerd character.

The show is excellent. It’s a great blend of nerdy humor, homages to genre movies (one sketch parodied Michael Mann movies, another parodied straight-to-video sequels of B-level action movies in the Seagal/Van Damme vein), flipping racial conventions on its head without getting preachy or hitting you over the head

I read dance magazines (Pointe, Dance Magazine, Dance Spirit), and Maddie and other tween dancers are covered in Dance Spirit and are successful on the competition circuit and get into music videos and commercials and dance backup for pop and hip-hop stars. It’s inspirational for other kids who want to be professional

Which one? I thought the first one was OK, the second one had really good dancing, the third had a cute young teen romance and jazz dancing and tap dancing, the fourth blew, and I didn’t see the fifth.