Can skinny jeans stop being the trend already? I don't mind people who like them, but I want my non-skinny boot cut jeans, and it's like I can't get a decent pair without searching through 200 stores and paying an arm and a leg these days!
Can skinny jeans stop being the trend already? I don't mind people who like them, but I want my non-skinny boot cut jeans, and it's like I can't get a decent pair without searching through 200 stores and paying an arm and a leg these days!
This. I liked that the show was groundbreaking in that it had women talking openly about sex and having sex. But I really didn't like all the drama or the women because they were all pretty self absorbed and whiny - except for Samantha, who was definitely self-absorbed but at least made no apologies for it.
This is what that "vomit" Facebook button would be sooooooo good for.
This is what I was going to say. Either keep the chicken and use it to fertilize those little urban gardens, or kill it for meat. Wouldn't that be ideal? A humanely raised (one hopes), organically fed chicken would probably be delicious.
If it were me, I'd respond and say something to the effect of "actually, that was supposed to be $50 from BOTH Phil and me, but we got mixed up and ended up giving $50 each. So technically, I need that $50 back, but as I'm a decent human being and understand the rule of no take backs, enjoy the extra money you got…
Hilariously I've actually cut down a lot on alcohol recently (both for health and money), but then I just tell people I get drunk on life. :D
Ugh flavored vodka it all tastes like medicine to me!
I've found that while I can enjoy chocolatey items, like cupcakes, ice cream, etc. I don't actually like plain chocolate that much. I might eat a little super dark chocolate when I'm on my period for the extra iron, but otherwise...I go weeks without touching the stuff.
I'm also not a fan of cocktails. The fanciest I get is a gin and tonic, and that's if I'm feeling adventurous. I prefer my liquors kept simple.
I agree. The top by itself isn't that bad if paired with a nicer bottom.
Why is Kida never seen in these things? She's totally a Disney princess!
here are two grown women costarring in a story that's not about babies, brides or (falling in love with) boys
My first thought also!
Indeed! I'm pretty sure it's because these days, if you have a glowing tan (not like, a super dark nasty tan but one that's "just right") it means you either have the leisure time to go tan, or you're rich enough to buy tanning products, or maybe that you're healthy and active and not pale and sickly? Although in most…
Large eyes make you look younger. Most children have what seem like large eyes because they are still growing into their faces. And youth has always been prized as an aspect of beauty in practically every culture. Ergo, you get the surgery to make your eyes look bigger, you look younger and instantly more attractive.
My thoughts exactly. And the double eyelid thing? It just makes your eyes look bigger, giving you a younger, more childish appearance, and we all know youth is prized as an aspect of beauty in every culture, not just in the western world where white people have round eyes.
Thank you. Lighter skin has always been prized in most cultures because it indicates that you're not a laborer. That you have enough wealth/power to sit inside all day, out of the sun. Not because you want to be like the blonde haired, white woman.
Yep. And the endless discussions from competitive classmates who would moan "oh, my GPA is 4.8 but unweighted it's only 4.1 and that's just not going to work ~ "
I hate that too! I mean if you can't not look at your phone for just two hours, is your life really worth living?
Same. If I had to remember before they got saved in my contacts as Name, then I can still remember it. But new numbers...I just start asking my phone to "call Diane" and I have no clue what I'd do if I lost that contact.