YES and it makes it so I can't actually comment on the original post it drives me INSANE.
YES and it makes it so I can't actually comment on the original post it drives me INSANE.
He does a lot of awesome video series, one of my faves is cooking food featured in anime/games. VGHS is available on Netflix in one long stream, or you can watch it on youtube (I think) in smaller installments.
OMG I love Jimmy Wong SO MUCH. Have you seen him in Video Game High School? Adorable all over.
Plotting my cookie shipping empire as we speak! ;D
Clearly this is an opportunity to start a cookie smuggling business.
Finally, guys for me to use the "somebody call the cops because it's got to be illegal for you to look that fine" pick up line on and have it LITERALLY be true!
I am sincerely sorry for your lack of cookie flavors. Hopefully you at least have thin mints? (I personally inhale the tag-alongs).
Right? 50 cents doesn't seem like much, but when you buy in the quantities that I do, it adds up!
I see, I did not know that! (You can tell I was never a Girl Scout.)
This is pretty much how I get through summers! Sometimes I'll go to the farmer's market and buy a bunch of fruit, and whatever can't get eaten quickly goes in the freezer to become my next smoothie ingredient. I love using coconut water too, extra potassium and a bit of sweetness!
Same here! I also keep bags of frozen spinach on hand so that if for some reason I don't have fresh spinach, I still have something to toss into my soup/sauce/etc.
Seriously, where are you getting GS cookies for $3.50 a box? I live in LA and they are all $4 here.
They are also known as cheongsam. :D
My only answer as to why most Asian stereotypes are based on Japanese stereotypes is that for a long time, Japan was the Asian country America had the most access to. China was pretty closed off, Korea even more so (though now that South Korea is open there's a lot of stereotypes there too), and no one really wanted…
A caveat: it is insanely drying though (I can only do it once every two weeks), so even if you have oily skin I'd go slow and not use too much until you're sure your skin can handle it.
I used q-tips to just dab on problem areas, but I'm sure cotton balls would be fine. Just apply a very, very thin layer and it won't dry all white and chalky.
I'm one of those weirdos. If I can't get the seat I want when I hop on the train, I'll stand instead of squeezing into a middle seat or window seat.
For a brief moment I thought she was going to squeeze herself through the kitty door.
I'm going to assume the door either needs to be opened from the inside or needs some kind of electronic fob key card that just needs to be waved in front of the door for it to open.