
Same here. It's not a big deal if it's just a few bucks between close friends, like my friend spots me a $5 to buy a snack or something. (And I know I'll return the favor eventually by buying her a drink or something the next time we hang out.) But anything more than that and I start feeling uncomfortable. And it's

You are indeed very generous. I loaned a friend $4000 because I had the ability to and she needed that much to avoid declaring bankruptcy and having the bank try to take her house. For me, $4000 is too much to consider a gift - I'm not in dire financial straits but the amount is still large enough that I could use it


Re: friend borrowing money - been there, done that, lesson learned. I lent a friend a good deal of money when she got into a huge mess and nearly had to declare bankruptcy. She assured me constantly that I'd be paid back and even managed to pay me back about 5% of what I lent her. And then...nothing. I'd ask, she'd

Yessssss. Long meandering walks to the park, naps whenever appropriate (and not appropriate).

I don't have a problem with long haired dudes as long as the locks are kept clean. It only irritates me when guys have long hair but it's all greasy or dreadlocked (in the bad, full of dirt and twigs way).

This is true.

And the dog is all "sh'yeaaaaaaah we frieeeeeends."

My dog does this too! When I call her to take her out for her last potty break before bed and she's been napping for awhile, she acts like it's the biggest production ever. Oozes off the couch, stretches everything, makes a point of sniffing around before deigning to head over to the door.

My dog tends to show disgust by just staring at me with an offended air, like "you expect me to eat that? uh, yeah, no." My friend's Pomeranian though, she's a hoity toity little thing. She'd hop on top of couches to get away from whatever was offending her, then side eye my friend until she removed the offending

But don't you know? Teenage boys drinking, that's just boys up to their good old boy antics. Teenage girls drinking and then allowing themselves to be raped, that's just asking for it.

Sometimes I get asked why I don't want to have children. Here's the answer. I just can't handle the guilt of bringing life into a world with so many assholes.

It's definitely the most enjoyable forms of bombing. As long as you're wearing sunglasses, at least. Don't want to get that shit in your eyes.

I totally read that in Barney Stinson's voice.

But in middle school? Up until I was 13 my primary interests were books, sports and just hanging out with friends (usually in libraries, with books and free AC during the hot hot days of summer). I had a crush or two on cute boys, but it never amounted to more than a few awkward school dances and maybe giggling over

I'm really not sure in terms of legality. He probably could for moral reasons, but we assumed if we said no the woman would either take it to another vet, think of a worse way to kill her dog or just abandon it at the side of the road (which might have ended up better because it was a very cute cocker spaniel and

Yesssss. Or at least if not monstrous, the creepy dark underworld variety. No more sparkles, no more emo love.

Maybe she and Beyonce had to divide up the world when they went solo and Beyonce won the US?

I felt like "23" was more about first serious relationships, which usually takes place in one's early 20s? Like it's no longer just high school dating and 4-eva luv, it's the first time you can seriously think about making an actual life with someone. And it's scary because you think it has to be perfect, or maybe