Bieber is looking more and more like a cult leader every day.
oh wait it is im dum
why is succubus not on here
Meanwhile, my e-book on the theory that the Cincinnati Zoo MADE Fiona premature as a way t distract from the bad press from the death of Harambe will be out later this month.
I watched it because I KNEW that there was no way he was actually racing a shark and also I’m a masochist.
The scene: Me, drunk and PMSing, watching Home Alone in a bar. I actually teared up when Kevin’s mom was trying to get back to Chicago. She couldn’t get a plane ticket, and she was so sad, and I was so sad... and then John Candy offered her a ride in his van with the polka band.
I... am not the same person I was before I saw that.
I just realized that this is the first time that I’ve ever seen what a placenta actually looks like. I don’t know how to feel.
Ok putting my tinfoil conspiracy theorist hat on right now.
This is very sad but I think the article is also kinda incoherent? V confused.
My most Syracuse University moment was getting off the bus to puke in front of the Carmelo Anthony Basketball Center because I got way too drunk at a house party.
It’s all on Hulu as well!
Same, MiMi. Same.
My brain now cannot stop thinking in the style in which this GLORIOUS blog was WRITTEN!! [SCREAMS]
I can’t decide what’s more depressing, your thoughts on how the Oprah/Steadman piece came to be, or the Photoshop job on OK!’s cover.