
I don’t know what’s more sad- that you thought that was funny, or that you thought it was “funny ‘cause it’s true.”

We all know that when a woman shows her face in public, a man is going to have an opinion about it.

You’re an idiot.

Nothing anybody on the Gawker payroll every says on the subject of privacy should be taken seriously.

You’re a moron.

And we should all STFU

It’s not really her responsibility to make sure you see her apologize to people and for actions which have nothing to do with you.

when you look like a chapped anus

These people clearly do not embody that philosophy

Yes, vegans are emotionally overwrought dipshits with no sense of perspective, we get that.

We need to encourage people who do eat meat to eat it as responsibly as possible - like these people.

What fucking difference does it make? Seriously- if the crossfit fatty runs a good gym with the right programs, who cares what he does with himself?

You’re a sanctimonious shitbag.

They should “base their lives” around something that isn’t so pants-shittingly stupid.

Because “liberal.”

Ah, victim blaming. Always good to see.

You’re really fucking stupid, you know that?

I have no doubt this poor bastard has heard that kind of statement, and it’s worth noting what a fucking stupid statement it is.

Actually, you seem like a piece of shit yourself.

You’re an idiot.