This seems dumb.
This seems dumb.
This seems dumb.
This seems dumb.
The Dyson Ball is a piece of shit. Mine just went out on me. Same model. Pass.
The Dyson Ball is a piece of shit. Mine just went out on me. Same model. Pass.
Y’know what, it completely eluded me on my first read thru that those were glass containers. Yeah I’m on board with glass since it is safe and lasts a long time. I wouldn’t suggest anybody who is averse to potential health effects to use plastic. I avoid plastic in stores by buying in bulk and bringing my own…
Uhh.. very frustrating to see so many people on here (not just you) suggesting to buy more plastic, when we can’t even deal with the other plastic containers that we are throwing away, which generally speaking work just as well.
If they are hard to pop out when frozen, you can run hot/warm water on them for a moment to loosen them up.
Yeah. Dumb to recommend purchasing these. Irresponsible even. People should be learning to re-use what they have, not adding more to the waste stream.
There are plenty of freebie plastic tubs if you just stop and luck at your garbage. Just leave em to soak in your kitchen sink when you’re done, then swab them with a…
This is great, and now I’m commited to finding some kind of free version of this. (The return address labels non-profits send me uninvited?)
These cookie tins are great for storing tea so it doesn’t get stale.
You can also just keep all the jars you get when you buy spaghetti sauce, salsa, peanut butter, etc and run them through the dishwasher. I keep just about everything that has a large mouth and use them for bulk food sections (which have mostly been closed in my area the past 7 months, but hopefully they’ll reopen…
If you are white, and you kill people, most likely they have legalized the way you do it, and given you large amounts of money for it.
Lame that the khaki duffel photographed in the teaser is nowhere to be found on the list. No biggie though--I surely would not have bought it either way.
Lame that the khaki duffel photographed in the teaser is nowhere to be found on the list. No biggie though--I surely…
Hitting your car with a hand does not damage the car nor endanger you. What’s your car made of? Pringles?
Sure! That’s a decent suggestion. If the creators/owners of the content don’t even want it out there though, I’m fine with it not being out there.
“the conversation cannot even be had.”
Because the person who owns and created the content doesn’t even fucking stand by it anymore! YOU however can talk about it all you want! Converse away! Tina Fey doesn’t want your help with this one. How about find someone who does?
Nice to think of others and their syndication money. But they don’t have a permanent right to syndication money. There are many reasons why episodes might not be aired again. This is only one of them.
Instead of insisting these episodes stay on streaming/on the air, how about consider the well being of all the black…
Get back to me when someone is arrested for blackface.
Actually, I’m not. Not really your place to de-legitimize my experience either.
Actually, I’m not. Not really your place to de-legitimize my experience either.
Not ‘first person’ per se, but the effect of the whole scene moving violently around as I maneuvered about the different warehouses made me nauseous. Weird that THPS1 didn’t do it (except the Phoenix downhill level—I was always relieved when it was over.) Three other games that did it were GTA Vice City, Katamari…
Not ‘first person’ per se, but the effect of the whole scene moving violently around as I maneuvered about the…
Thanks, this Jablinski video is so sweet seriously brought back some memories. Gonna send it to my old housemates that I used to play this on the PS1 with.