Thanks, this Jablinski video is so sweet seriously brought back some memories. Gonna send it to my old housemates that I used to play this on the PS1 with.
Thanks, this Jablinski video is so sweet seriously brought back some memories. Gonna send it to my old housemates that I used to play this on the PS1 with.
I was addicted to THPS1 but when I got THPS2, for some reason the first-person perspective of that one gave me motion sickness and I stopped playing the series entirely. I might try it again though now that I have more free time.
I was addicted to THPS1 but when I got THPS2, for some reason the first-person perspective of that one gave me…
I can’t find any reviews of this product. Not on Amazon. There are a few sites that have different names that look just like the landing page to the link ( and There’s a site for the watch. It all looks very sketchy.
I can’t find any reviews of this product. Not on Amazon. There are a few sites that have different names that look…
That jacket is ugly as shit. Jordan still petty though.
That jacket is ugly as shit. Jordan still petty though.
That Anker Soundcore is $10 more than when I bought it three years ago. How is that a deal?
That Anker Soundcore is $10 more than when I bought it three years ago. How is that a deal?
Just want to note that if you buy the Civilization VI disc from Amazon you get just the vanilla version. It doesn’t include the “Rise & Fall” or “Gathering Storm” expansion packs. When those came out they quickly became canon for Civ VI players. They cost roughly $30 each and I have not seen them on sale much in the…
Just want to note that if you buy the Civilization VI disc from Amazon you get just the vanilla version. It doesn’t…
1) It seems to me like elastic around the back of the ears is not a good idea for long term comfort. I’ve only done this for short periods of time and had discomfort, doing on of those makeshift bandana masks with rubber bands on either end. Anybody know if you can do elastic around the backs of the ears for long…
1) It seems to me like elastic around the back of the ears is not a good idea for long term comfort. I’ve only done…
I’m also wondering about this. I assuming I’ll have to call EDD in California. I got fired in late December and applied for unemployment, and was approved but I didn’t claim any of the money yet because I found enough part time work to get as many hours as I wanted. But it’s with schools and they all closed. So I…
Okay, it looked like 3 tubs for $30 which is just insane. 6 for $30 at least is in the ballpark of a reasonable price. I am not going to order cheese online though. I would do almost anything for snacks but I won’t do that.
Okay, it looked like 3 tubs for $30 which is just insane. 6 for $30 at least is in the ballpark of a reasonable…
Yeah, I use as much if not a little more TP since I got my bidet, just for drying off. Mine is cheap and probably splatters around on my skin more than an fancier one though. Also I live in Oakland so the water around here doesn’t get super cold in the winter.
That’s actually refreshing when it’s hot! The coldness of it has never bothered me. They definitely have models that warm the water. Cheapest bidets are about $20 and luxury bidets can be around $300-400. I recommed it! My bum is cleaner and healthier the past four years since I got mine.
Holy shit! I never would’ve guessed Ford did that! And his hat stayed on the whole time! And my favorite part is when he gets back in with the flying kick, the Nazi is like: “Oh shit, a boot’s coming toward my face! I better give it a good sniff!”
I don’t know if you’ve seen that person’s posts elsewhere but from what I’ve seen them write on this page I think you are being a bit harsh.
I don’t know—that description of Kevin Hart’s set is pretty close to actual rape. Saying on a stage that you would beat your son for being gay and getting people to laugh about it is pretty fucking sick. That’s really fucked up and not in a good way.
When I was traveling in China in the 90s I was in a remote part that had very few stores and no restaurants and few ways to obtain food. But one thing that was sold almost everywhere was rations. They tasted kind of like light flaky not-too-sweet sugar cookies but in a thick bar form.
I had a similar dish from a food truck last summer. It was VERY good. If I could grab this at any subway I’d be like: WHOA!!
Yeah I was a sophomore in college when the school sponsored some kind of info session with free food and it was taco bell being handed out! I was shocked to learn that some of them were vegetarian—the bean taco and bean and cheese burrito. And soon after that I learned that both were available under a dollar. Soon…
Anyone who votes for Biden is a pathetic fucking coward. He had ZERO support a few weeks ago. He’s only doing well today because so many people left of Trump are too spinally indigent to stand up for their actual values.
I assume everybody who goes into our bathroom washes their hands perfectly, ergo, the door handle is clean!!
They came out when I was a kid. Their slogan was: “Combos really cheeses your hunger away.” I don’t think I’ve seen an ad for them since I was a kid. I also don’t think I’ve ever been anyplace in the U.S. or Mexico that didn’t have them.