
Nope. I’m a lawyer. Contingency only happens when there is a deep pocket defendant. That’s why lawyers do contingency for malpractice and personal injury. The defendant’s insurer pays out in that instance and insurance companies have super deep pockets. The comedienne who made the statements about him likely does not

It’s more than a year later, but the Kit Harington apologizes for saying dumb words about sexism article sent me here. I howled at this review. Thank you so much for posting it! Also are you by any chance from Newfoundland? I am, and your Kinja name reminds me of “Great Big Sea” the NL Band (I am not a fan sorry if

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Or as Jon Oliver put it, in the 2015 General Election when Labour was being predicted based on polls and the Tories won, maybe she decided to go into the polling booth and punch herself in the genitals.

It doesn’t mean she is a bad person, or that she is not in many ways socially liberal. But, it is disappointing as you say, because it is perfectly possible to be a really awesome person and also be privileged enough to vote Conservative without having to give much thought to the consequences for people outside your

Thanks for the star. I am hoping it reflects an acceptance of my apology but also my concerns about someone with great resources stanning for the Tories. Because, unlike Mhairi Black I do think the UC should be scrapped. So, I’m loathe to big up anyone who campaigned for the party who created it. There was once a 55p

I was hoping someone would provide a link. I remembered the pictures from law school. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! People think the McDonald’s coffee lady was not injured and just sued over a boo boo. No, man, No! It was third degree burns all over her lady bits. I’m getting a bit light headed thinking about it.

She very publicly campaigned for the Tories in the 2015 general election. That’s not having Republican parents and voting Democrat. That’s having Republican parents and voting Republican.

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Her Wikipedia page states her father is a Tory politician and councillor (he won a council seat in Aberdeenshire in the May 2017 local Scottish elections)

But, like I’m sure their wedding will be a time. Posh people love being extra about their weddings while believing themselves to be elegantly restrained and traditional (because don’t all of our families have their own chapels? That’s not too much right?). There will be lots of free booze and since most adult posh men

Probably not re the wildling. She grew up in a castle and her Dad is a Tory politician. She has campaigned for the Tories and is Pro-Brexit. Harington’s dad is a Baronet and he is also super posh. They are the kind of white people who only care when it affects them, and only correct this behaviour when as in this

Well, thank you. I agree it is dumb and hypocritical. Rufus Wainwright (who is problematic for his own reasons) wrote a song about the pressure to stay in the closet in Hollywood. I believe it is called, “Release the Stars”.

I think talking about instances of harassment helps. And I’m a big proponent of bringing the rot out into the light where everyone can see it instead of letting it fester and multiply.

I don’t think it is fair to say that male actors would not have faced systemic oppression if they came forward. It would not be the same systemic oppression women face, but it would be bad for their careers because of homophobia in Hollywood.

I have been trying to impart this to friends all day. I’ve had to be part of a prosecution team on historical sexual abuse before. It turns out a lot of people close to the perpetrator(s) know, or suspect, but everything in their world would go to hell if they came forward. Does that mean the person who knows about

She is, but your original post implied lawyers get rich of of representing bad people. My point is, if a lawyer got rich they did so representing anyone who needed a lawyer, not anyone people subjectively deem morally worthy of a vigorous defence.

Oh god the DUIs. There is a lawyer in the city I started out in who has had so many DUI convictions he has hit the legislative amount for a mandatory jail sentence for his latest. I don’t know how the Crown, Defence, and Judge can get around that (maybe a joint submission saying no jail-but I don’t think a joint

You don’t have to find them someone new, but it helps if you do because if you can show up in court and say they have someone new in the wings it helps you get out of file.

As a lawyer who has both a law job and a part time job because of my student loans I wish we got rich representing bad people. But, it isn’t like TV where all lawyers make bank. The school costs a lot, it cost even more to run a small business if you don’t work in public law or a large firm and there is no legislation

Fellow lawyer...glad you made the points you did because I am in the greys. It is super hard to fire a client. I know the public doesn’t know our code of conducts in every jurisdiction but generally they all say you can’t let a client go until you find them, or they find, other representation. And yeah, to have only