
Raising Steam, the 40th Discworld novel, comes out on the 7th

You left out Curtsies & Conspiracies, the second book in Gail Carriger's delightful Finishing School series.

I thought they were churros...

Kronos /Cronos/Cronus for Zeus' daddy.

I chose to watch Disney's Hercules as my jogging accompaniment last night and that movie cracks me up. Myths are very pliable things, so there's no fundamental problem with the movie awkwardly trying to retcon the hero's journey as a Yiddish-laden boxing narrative, (other than not being done well...) but having

I had another fear that cost me a lot until I figured out how to take care of it.

I kind of appreciate that online shooters gather all these people that I would apparently never want to play a game with and corral them in an environment that I have no desire to enter and they have no desire to leave. It's rare that things just work out like that.

I know that in times not too far past, kitchens were generally not even in houses, but due to fires, were usually a separate building altogether, sometimes joined to the main house by a covered walkway (Mt. Vernon is a prime example). I cannot, however, see my home as every being kitchenless. Its the social,

Except cup size is not consistent between band sizes, and the infographics are to help with the conversion.

To be honest, well-armed civilians unable to use their architectural surroundings in a tactically useful way—i.e. trapping, circling, flanking, surrounding, evading, and even hiding from their adversaries—are only marginally better off. This is also true outside of architecture altogether, i.e. in fields, forests,

Also, Steve Jobs believed he knew what the customer wanted better than the customer did. Jeff concentrated on learning what his customer wanted before his customer did. Subtle difference but significant.

Forgive my ignorance, what is a one time pad?

"addicted to sugar"

Sigh. It'd be nice to read a single fitness article without the first comment being someone who's paleo-obsessed calling me broken for eating pasta.

Because non-organic, imported fruits and veggies won't have the same effect, OBVIOUSLY.

Do you wake up starving? I don't usually eat for at least an hour after waking up, and sometimes not for several (if I go to the gym at 5 am, I don't eat till after 7 am when I get back). Talk to your doctor about your diet. He's probably going to have far more relevant advice for you than random internet articles and

Ughh...I regret to say I've been there. Twice actually. Once in college, once living on my own. Both were complete flukes. Living in good neighborhoods with low/no crime. Seriously, it's bizarre that it even happened. But I know the feeling of coming back from a trip and finding your door crowbar'd open.

Not even close to true. IBR, ICR, and PAYE (pay as you earn) are all eligible plans, and lower than the standard ten year repayment.

Have you USED government computers?

The thing I find funnier is how we raise our boys and men to be incapable of treating women equally. Is it really so hard to just go, "Okay. Welcome to the game. Let's have fun!"