
I hear this a lot and have to disagree. Claiming no dependents to “protect yourself” is akin to sleeping with an RPG launcher every night, “just in case”. The majority of people have steady W-2 income, and regular deductions for kids, house, etc. If you’ve gotten the same/similar amount back for the last three years,

This is a perfect coincidence, as we're down to our last set of rechargeable AAs. We've used primarily Energizer, so I'm interested to hear about other brands. Does anyone else have experience for comparison (how long does a charge last, how long does the battery last, etc)?

This is what we use currently:

This is a perfect coincidence, as we're down to our last set of rechargeable AAs. We've used primarily Energizer, so

I really like Photo Editor+ for random fun with pictures. I don't know how robust it is on the technical side, but it's pretty easy to use.

I laughed when I saw the paper towel. We have all this fancy science and no one thought to bring an oven mitt or, heaven forbid, a cloth towel.

The guy in the middle looks 30, and the two on either side look like their family tree is a stump.

How is that sad? She's absolutely BAMF and was my role model growing up. I even found rose earrings at an antique sale and wore them all the way through high school. Jupiter is the best scout!

Not for boiling, but I do bring raw eggs into the office to make breakfast - because I want eggs, dang it.. My grocery story has expensive organic eggs that they sell in a fancy plastic egg carton with two lids or some craziness. I bought one and cut it in half, so I can take a week's worth of (cheap-o) eggs in and

I've been sitting in the beta for weeks, but haven't been able to get anyone I know to play. I can't even get the husband to join me - stupid Master's degree classes grumble grumble.

I second checking thrift stores for bags. As a general rule, once it's there, it's been broken in, so you can see how well the material/stitching holds up over time. Also, the price - you can't beat the price. I've gone through two purses in two months and spent less than $10. Both were department store brands, but

You can actually freeze buttermilk. It's a little separated when thawed, so I'm not sure how it would work in something like sour cream. However, it works the same in baked goods.

I have this problem with the dark blue LED Christmas lights - to the point that I have to look to the opposite side of the street when I'm driving past any house that has them. My husband thinks I'm nuts, but they give me a headache if I look too long!

That's not often the case. Most airlines overbook flights now, to make up for the possibility of no-shows/last minute changes. If you're buying a ticket last minute, you're likely buying a ticket to an already full plane, so the price skyrockets to decentivize too many people from purchasing. They also really don't

That's not the same deal - that's the 2-month free trial for new subscribers, which is not the same as the free month for everyone that should be linked in the article.

You've blown my mind - my two recycle bins and single trash can are shoved under the "desk" in my kitchen, and I was just staring at them two minutes ago, wishing there was a better way to hide them. I need to do this!

I just logged in to admit to this same movie. Boo for getting beaten to the punch, yay for not being alone!

Interesting, I'll have to check it out.

I followed a recipe from a friend's website, but she no longer maintains the website and I can't get it to load. This, however, is a pretty close recipe:…

The recipe is really forgiving. I didn't have near the required amount of OxyClean, so I just threw in what I had, and it's

Ha! I was very confused and thought you needed help interpreting the letters on your measuring spoons. XP