
We all know what the real question is, when is the funfetti version going to be ready?

Probably a little late for anyone to see this but besides just "saving" and "making a budget" (all necessary and obvious steps), there was one extra step that really helped me: I opened a second bank account.

The second short, "The Darkest Day", involves a mime. That's all you need to know, really.

I am not really into yoga but I decided to try this. I couldn't do it for the recommended amount of time but it felt good and gave my back a good crackin'. And my cat decided that I was for sleeping on since I was on the floor.

I'm not one for hyperbole, but this changes everything.

"Overly Romantic Ronald's downfall is believing that love is enough reason on its own to marry someone." THIS, OH GODDESS THIS.

I am literally the only person in my social circle doesn't think love, in and of itself, is enough for a successful partnership. It's important, to be sure, but it's not enough if that's

Go ahead, finish that thought.

'Platforms that are web-based won't work anything anything above IE8, because we targeted a non-standards compliant browser, like a pack of tards.'

Forget Black Widow, lets talk their version of Ms Marvel.

I think it's a pretty ridiculous assertion to make (especially from someone commenting on a gaming website) that gaming can't be a fulfilling hobby and leads to an empty life. The problem you're talking about is not caused by gaming. Over investment in an activity can be detrimental regardless of what the activity is.

His Grace His Excellency Commander Sir Samuel Vimes, Blackboard Monitor

We can always use more Discworld.

Chicago here: Quit yer bitchin'

Which, do we really have a problem with this?

There are times when I wish laws and regulations were required to publish (in a referred to side document if need be) the actual reason for the rule. There's just so very many rules that seem arbitrary and the product of bureaucrats with no other function and no intelligent rules to make.

This isn't that surprising. The last time I ate a slice of Sbarro pizza I stripped naked and cried too.

On the concept of Ad-block: I have a lot of self control, very few ads are going to get to me. Occasionally a trailer for a movie or something. I also have a pretty good memory. So seeing an add 65 times a day isn't going to convince me anymore than just once. Annoying the piss out of me is no way to sell your

I remember being told this in my CPR class, that it's depicted falsely in popular media. Rarely does it actually save someone—the purpose, if I remember correctly, is really to keep someone alive until the paramedics get there rather than actually help them regain consciousness.