
When I first decided to make my own powdered laundry detergent, almost everything I read said that a bare tablespoon of detergent would be plenty, which seemed really low to me. After going through almost half of a batch, I can say that a tablespoon is actually more than enough - I actually use about half of a

I'm the same way - anything labeled "diet" gives me a really bad headache, even if it doesn't have caffeine. I have the same problem with most of the artificial sweeteners - either it directly gives me a headache or it makes me really nauseous, which gives me a headache.

I also just dislike the taste of pretty much

Same here - I also avoid using detergents, largely because I have an amble lady bottom and all my jeans are stretch fabric/denim fabrics. In the washer, inside out with cold water, vinegar in the fabric softener, air dry - they last much longer!

I apologize for also making a snap judgement - I did read through the comments on the thread, but obviously didn't go deep enough.

We named our adopted stray kitten Gremlin, not because of the adorable ear thing, but because he looked like the bad Gremlins when he played - all teeth and silly faces. He passed away last month from a heart condition, so this video is well timed to set off the onions in my office.

I have to back up the other comments here - you did, in fact, make a snap judgement statement. In your judgement, you are "amazed" that people have to be taught basics of finances and be given tips on how to pass these teachings onto their children. It's a very good thing that you were raised by parents who were

I think it would work if you follow the instructions for the second package, starting with cutting off the extra parts from the front of the liner/sleeve/plastic whatsits.

Also most CDs and eBooks - plus, y'know, dead tree books, since it's a library.

It's that nasty little smirk as they're scanning her that gets me. I just - she's so awesome!

I second hooking it to an external monitor. Depending on how old the laptop is, you may be able to get away with hooking it to your TV (also dependent on how old your TV is). We have one laptop with an HDMI port and one without, so we have a DVI to HDMI adapter that works like a charm when we need to hook it up to the

Many banks don't have coin sorters in the branches anymore and many also won't accept coins that have been rolled by hand.

I love lemon and cucumber, but I'm definitely going to try your combo. It sounds awesome!

And don't do anything stupid like accidentally dump water into the oil, because you will hate yourself and have to go buy new oil.


Consider my mind blown. I can't wait to try this!

We're also moving to Win7 in the next few months and I had to explain to a coworker why we were only going up to 7, not 8 like she wants to - basically because most of our software was written in the 90s and the platforms that are web based won't work with anything above IE8. It's going to be a complete s-show.

It's a good size if you want to make a stove-to-oven dessert or side dish or if you want to make anything like cornbread. Cast iron is incredibly versatile - I have pans in sizes starting at 6" and use them all!

Almost everywhere on the west side Lakeshore is beautiful.

I don't have kids but I agree - teaching kids to fear a space is very different than teaching them how to actively participate safely in a space. You're telling kids that everyone meet on the internet is a predator, which is similar to telling them that they will always break their leg if they jump on a trampoline.


Codeine is still widely prescribed with acetaminophen as a painkiller (I think). It's very popular with the "pain clinics" - You know, those places you see on the 60 Minutes specials that are shadier than the dude selling watches out of his trench coat in the old cartoons.