
A good tax accountant is (generally) worth every cent if you have more on your taxes than just a W-2.

My brother and I are 4 1/2 years apart, which is really probably the cause of why we were such terrible people to each other growing up- augmented by the fact that he was the "baby" and spoiled and I was the "oldest" and the "role model" and never got away with anything. Bitter? Probably just a little bit. I mean, we

Without knowing exactly where you are, have you looked into carpooling or taking a Michivan? I take a Michivan from Grand Rapids to Lansing and it's halved my gas expenses from $500+ to around $200 a month, depending on how much I need to put in for gas. The only expenses are the 10 minutes drive to the vanpool pick

If you try to check out after adding the Dremel to your cart, it says it is sold out online. That's a bummer.

Where does your band sit when you're wearing a bra? It should wrap around your torso straight back from the bottom of the cups and stay there. If it's shifting around or riding high, your straps are too short and the band is too lose or too tight.

It's not totally "no romance", but Carriger seems to be of the few YA authors to right a female main character who is more interested in learning than boys.

Wholeheartedly recommend this book, especially if you're a fan of the first one. Carriger proves you can have a character who fashionable, cunning, AND clever, without all the the icky romance bits.

BCBS is a little different in each area and whether you have the PPO or HMO, so it's worth calling your insurance directly and/or asking the gym directly.

With the BCBS YoungBlue insurance that we had for my husband (pre-husbanding), the gym actually waived the fee to join and gave us 10% off each month. We didn't

I also use 1Weather because I love that it lets me set a refresh rate for 8 hours but still refreshes on command as well. It's very pretty, runs smoothly, and doesn't kill my battery. My one complaint is that the radar map is always wonky and sometimes doesn't load at all.

Thank you for the nice response also! I always like having an actual debate with someone, instead of just comment flame war.

Is it because we techy people all grew up as nerds? Girls were a total mystery to us when we were younger and now that we're old we think we've figured it out?

I just squee'd myself a little. I love all of his YA books as well - this is definitely going to the top of the list!

You're right that marriage is generally involved in all of those things, but a solid relationship will already have come to those questions and moved on. Marriage should not be the point where you go, "Oh, your dream is to move to the jungles of Indonesia and study frogs for 10 years? But you know how much I hate miss

I think I would really like to understand what you mean by drastic lifestyle change, because I was recently married and not much changed. I didn't marry my husband expecting that, as soon as we finished signing our names, he would start working 60+ hours a week to support our lifestyle. Similarly, he didn't expect our

I didn't know that - thank you for the warning!

I use the (admittedly, slightly wonky) pedometer app that came with my Galaxy. It's a Samsung app and the only Samsung app I actually use, but since I already have my phone with me 90% of the time, it's nice that it's doing something useful.

I like Goo Gone for glassware but I'm wary with any thing plastic, especially thin plastic. I've seen it melt plastic tablecloths. But rubbing alcohol may be my new go to - it's cheap enough to give it a try and I'm sure I have some somewhere!

Indeed, we added an additional rider for my engagement ring, which appraised at $1,800, and cost us an additional $100 a year - BUT that's only $5 a month, so that seemed quite fair. Our total insurance cost per year was about $268, but our policy was slightly different - less coverage and a larger deductible ($500)

#1 is probably the most important thing any renter can have, especially if your insurance carrier offers full replacement value. It was roughly $15 a month for us to insure $30k worth of property, which was the lowest tier of coverage they offered. It was worth every single penny when one of the neighbor's kids stole

I picked up a galley without realizing this was by the same author as Vader's Little Princess and Darth Vader and Son. It really is a cute little book and, I think, a great way to introduce The Force to kids who may be too young to grasp the lore from the movies.