
Many colleges will give you contact info for your roommate before school starts, so you can work this out. I provided the mini fridge and dishes and she brought the microwave and a few other things, and it worked out well.

I am definitely on IBR and definitely qualify - I have an official letter and everything!

The benefit comes from the fact that the plan will work with reduced payment plans, like Income Based Repayment (IBR) or Pay as You Earn (PAYE). Under these payment plans, your payments are much, much smaller, with the idea that you will pay off the bulk later on in life, when you're making more money. In 10 years,

I'm a little late to the comment party, but 1000 points to you. As a geek and a female, not only was I teased at school, I was teased at home and repeatedly told I needed to act more "normal" or I would never have a boyfriend because I was so weird.

Goats create much, much less waste than the same number of cows and are much more sustainable. I think they're also less picky about their food source, but I'm not 100% on that.

Kudos for bringing in these guys. WoT was a world changing series for me that brought me many friendships with fans all over the world, so it holds a special place in my heart...

Many points for this! They had such a great relationship and proved that it was possible to remain friends, even after she was married.

I spend a lot of time in YA, because I'm still great friends with my librarians from high school, and I just have to say - just because it's YA and popular doesn't make it a good representation of the genre, which I think is true of a lot of genres. There are fantastic amazing YA books out there and Twilight isn't one

I've read the galley and this book redeems the sort-of-awful-so-far "The Circle Reforged" series. I love Tamora Pierce with all of my heart, but I just could not understand what was going on with "The Will of The Empress" and "Melting Stones". This book isn't as amazing as some of the Tortall books, but it's good

I have to disagree with this wholeheartedly - I think it's excellent advice for any gender and in order to do most basic maintenance, all you really need is a good set of wrenches or socket wrenches and your pliers. Seriously - and socket wrenches aren't terribly expensive.

What you really need to have a willingness

I haven't watched more than the first three minutes of the first episode, but I love following the updates on Wiki - all of the WTF without needing to drug myself to sleep at night!

The dark wood would mitigate the glare somewhat, as would the rugs and furniture I'm imagining because omg, do I want a room like that. It looks awesome.

This. So much this. We have so much we have to redo in our house because the original owners through they could do it all and just... no. This includes having to tear down and refinish the "finished" basement because the dry wall was installed incorrectly, the breaker and water main were covered up and impossible to

A lot of employers aren't offering checks as an option any more; your choices are prepaid card, direct deposit, or tough luck. This is why checking into your state laws is a good idea - like the case with PA, they may be required to offer checks as an option, even if they don't feel like it.

So is this a bad place to drop in a line for Story Bundle and Humble Bundle (when they do e-books)? They're my primary source of all the books I have that I haven't read it. I've found so many great titles, including John Scalzi's Old Man's War, and the prices are great. They also give you control of how much of your

There's such a huge size disparity with dog breeds that you don't see with cats. If my shit-zhu grew 3 sizes, he'd be excited because he could actually get on the couch on the first try. If my neighbor's Great Dane grew 3 sizes, I'd because excited because OMGPONY.

Or, often, there are no jobs in your field in your area. We live in a fairly good sized city (~750k pop) but for my career, I have to commute to the state capitol to work for the state because there are no jobs in my city. Half of my office commutes at least an hour because they have no choice. Most of the time, costs

This. Wouldn't it make more sense to build or a buy dedicated media center, if that's your goal? Shelling out $500 to pay an extra $60 a year to watch the stuff you pay subscription fees in access of probably $300+ a year makes no sense, especially when it's incredibly cheap and easy to put together an internet ready

I'm glad the article mentions employer matches, because that's the reason I'm maxed out on my retirement contributions at the moment. Even if the cash could be used to pay down other debts, I would be losing out on a huge match if I didn't max - up to 9% for putting in 5%. To me, it's very worth it.

You can select the email and mark it as read from your inbox...? You can also archive and tag messages this way too - no need to even open them!