
I left my previous position because my manager refused to take responsibility for her mistakes. We both started around the same time, so we were both learning, which I understood. However, her "training" method was to teach me how she thought something was supposed to be done, THEN actually go learn how to do it

I second the person who said avoid the sets and just buy individual pieces. It's more expensive but you generally get better pieces. I would start by replacing your most used/worst looking pans first.

I use the Task List that comes with my Gmail. I spend most of my day in my email as it is, so if I think of something that needs to get done, I can just throw it on the list.

I get two types headaches: sinus migraines and eye strain headaches. The first are kept under control by daily hits of Allegra and Nasonex and then Excedrine Migraine if I need it. The second were only fixed by visiting my eye doctor and getting a new prescription. It's worth getting your eyes checked regularly if you

I have to agree with a lot of what other people have said: it's great in theory but really terrible in execution. I have no problem waiting for an ebook like I would wait for a hard copy BUT the lack of selection is ridiculous. My library utilizes Overdrive and the majority of their YA is paranormal romance ala

I'm having to go gluten/soy/processed food free for health reasons and it's been oddly difficult. I'm glad to hear it was worth it for you - that gives me a bit of boost! I just started this whole change less than a week ago, so wish me luck. ;)

Another good kitchen optimization tip is - get in the habit of keeping your space clean, all the time, everyday. Nothing kills my mood to cook more than dishes in the sink/on the counter (because the sink is full). When I get in the habit of doing smaller loads of dishes every night (instead of doing it every couple

At 26, animatronics still freak me the F out too, but largely because I can't stand their dead, dead eyes...

This is really only true for frozen ingredients (ie, vegetables and fruit) than for pre-cooked food, like pizzas ad TV dinners. I had heard that too, but I'm not totally sure I buy into it - and if I do, the difference in taste with fresh produce more than makes up for it.

Not sure how long it will be up for, but check out Amazon for a free preview. It's awesome and I really wish I had the money to buy it. Pay day can't come soon enough!

When I started my new job 70+ miles from home in January, I knew that driving myself was going to get old fast. I found a local company called Michivan (part of another company called VPSI Inc) and pay around $200 (fee + gas) for someone ELSE to drive me. I get to nap! It's pretty awesome. I would recommend finding a

I use RSS and will continue to use RSS. I hate social readers (and/or reader apps on Facebook) - why in the world do I need to give you my personal details in order to read your articles?

Does the type of wash cycle/heat of the dryer make a difference? I've started washing all of our favorite t-shirts in with the gentle cycle and drying on medium/low heat, because it seems to keep the colors stronger. Maybe I'm just fooling myself.

I'm just starting something like this (specifically because of the flakiness you mention), so it's good to read another success story. Did you switch to glycerin right away or go "water only" for a bit?

Now playing

In the far flung future, the PIN system is changed to a more secure(ish) five-digit system...

US Dryers are front loading...? And front loading washers are freaking expensive.

I have to agree with the other commenter. We spend around $100 a week for two-ish people (sometimes we buy food for our broke-ass roommate) and we have a lot of food that goes to waste. To me, that's grocery splurging and it's just as bad as dining out. At least when we eat out, the leftovers rarely go to waste.

I've worked as a server in fast-casual, casual, and formal dining restaurants and the best piece of advice I can give you is: don't wait until it's time to tip to make complaints. If your burger is underdone, let the server know. By law, they can't touch your food or cut open your burger to see if it matches the

I managed to cut pop out pretty effectively by switching to plain iced tea at first. Unfortunately, many of the 'pop' alternatives have just as much sugar and even the ones that have "no" sugar still cause many of the same problems (like tooth decay). I can't drink any "diet" drinks because the sugar-alternatives all

Or possibly scoop out some of the avocado flesh before hand? Thanks for posting this, haha.