That's gorgeous!
When I’m under a lot of stress I dream that my teeth are all falling out. Last night I dreamt I dreamt I had jumped into deep water and it was taking a long time to swim to the surface. I was running out of air and was actually holding my breath. This woke me up so I was lucid enough to tell myself it was only a dream…
I like your mom’s line a lot.
I live in western Canada. I breastfed my daughter till about 17 months, and my twins till they were a year. I’m not the most social person, so perhaps I just didn’t go enough places to have problems. But with my daughter particularly, I took her everywhere I went - coffee shops, shopping malls, museums, airports,…
Totally the point if a backpack. Though its weight depends on your kid’s “hobbies”. I picked up one of my kid’s backpacks from kindergarten and was surprised by how heavy it was. When I looked inside I found playground gravel - 8 pounds of playground gravel! (I weighed it.)
We're out right now, but waiting at home are two loaves of sourdough bread proofing in the oven and a pot of pork and molasses baked beans.
Just googled it. Wow!
It’s a hippopotamus. With gummi bears riding it. Just ‘cause.
Thanks for the kind and encouraging words. 🙂
Husband and kids have gone aurora hunting for a bit, and I’m laying out gingerbread decorating supplies. When they return the kidlings will decorate gingerbread houses and then we’ll light sparklers in the front yard. I think there’s a glass of port with my name on it after the kids go to bed.
Yeah, people can be idiots about it. When my daughter was about 6, maybe 7, we made an unplanned stop at a spray park. They weren’t wearing swimsuits, so her and her two younger brother just took off their shirts to play in the water with just shorts on. Two nosy women went past giving me a disapproving look, and said…
I find the little girl bikini tops rather off-putting myself because they seem to be saying there is a reason to be covered up.
That jar thing! Thanks for the reminder. I'm going the decorate one with my kids on NY eve.
I saw this jar thing earlier too. Thanks for the reminder. I am doing this with my family this NY eve. My husband suggested telling the kids to put problems they have in there too, so next year they can see how things worked out.
I once attempted to explain the concept of New Years resolutions to a six year as being like “a promise you made to yourself”. So she decided her New Year’s resolution was to go to Disneyland.
Nope. Nothin’. My heart is as cold as a prairie winter.