
And the good works win out over faith. “... Fath, hope, and charity (love) remain, but the greatest of these is charity.”

I’m firmly atheist now, but from 13 years of Catholic school and countless Sunday Masses, I recall the one about separating the sheep and the goats. And the winners were the ones who fed the hungry, nursed the sick, and clothed the poor. “What you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me.” The others are

This explains why they have a book out now telling all about their life together. I haven’t their show, and won’t read their book; but I saw it while browsing and it seemed a weird thing for a TV reno show couple to have published a book about themselves. Extremely Christian couple publishing a book about themselves

The “splurge” gift is actually a great deal. It’s a box of 25, so you can cover everyone on your list for $5 a piece, and even have some left in reserve for random birthdays through the year.

What is with the ads for “slip on socks”? Is there any other kind of sock?

That “purse accessory” looks like the furry pom poms that my sixth grader has dangling from her backpack. I think she got hers cheaper though. $68 is a bit out of range with her allowance.

My unease is not so directly with age difference, but really with life stage and experience. Casual, consensual attraction is fine. Drug addled 19 year old in (one of?) her first job, and married 34 year old coworker, not so fine. Attractions don’t have to be acted upon. For many people, their teens and early

That too. And that side of it is bad regardless of the ages involved.

Yeah, I’m not going to be happy if either my son or daughter at 19 is dating a 34 year old. I once had a boss I quite respected professionally. When at 50 he married a 22 year old, I couldn’t quite see him the same way again.

These two strips are stuck on my fridge:

This made me laugh. :-). On the plus side, you have a 3 year old who know about fossils. They can be monsters. When my daughter was about three, maybe three and a half, she was mad at me and told me she was going to cut off my head. I was horrified and told her that was a terrible thing to say. That mommy would

Now Leonard Cohen’s never gonna bring my groceries in.

One of my kids friends was at our house with her mom, who I didn’t know very well. I complemented her rather cool looking crystal studded cell phone case. She explained they protected from radiation and she kept s line of crystals across in front of her tv for the same reason.

I have nothing preventative to suggest, but I highly recommend Peneten (yes, diaper cream) overnight to heal cracked lips. My kids are well into middle school, but I still keep this stuff around. It’s magic. It’s the best thing I’ve found for when the prairie winter leaves my lips dry and cracked.

First off, given this guy’s website, my first response is to roll my eyes and shrug, muttering, “well, what do you expect.”

Gadget, looking for a belly rub, I think.

And I figured that the stone cottage at the entrance to Point Pleasant Park was Patty’s Place. :-)

Nah. I think I’ll skip it. These were my favourite books as a kid, and I’ll still pull them out from time to time. Kind of like sitting down to tea at a favourite old aunt’s house. You’ve heard all her stories before but it’s still nice to visit. And I know the characters so well in my own head that any screen


I had to google Dutch baby -never heard of it before. Sounds wonderful. It’s it tricky to make? Can you divulge a recipe?