Or a Kennedy.
Or a Kennedy.
I think that was written on the cover in shiny gold leaf: "My Spectacular Turd Diary."
They are going to PAR-TY beyond the wall, baby!
It's almost like everyone's decisions affect all the other characters equally.
Hey, it's cool. A lot of us guessed/theorized a long time ago that Lyanna/Rhaegar was a love story and not an abduction, but if you didn't see it, how were you to know? Not everybody obsessively reads theories/spoilers/etc., and that's okay.
We were thinking they could fly overhead and drop fliers instructing the people to surrender (and rebel against Cersei) or she'll burn the city. If Cersei ends up holed up in a room in the Red Keep with no power and no one supporting her, oh well.
Hey! You take that back! There was nothing dumbass about the Dirty Dozen.
Ha! My husband and I actually started singing the Magnificent Seven theme music when the gate lifted.
Oh, I see. Some women aren't capable of deciding for ourselves what is and is not patronizing, and must be corrected like children if we don't agree with all-knowing, all-seeing, always-correct you, who knows better than we silly fools. So feminist of you!
In fairness to Liam, James Corden is pretty famously an absolute prick in real life. Aside from one cute Dr. Who episode, I can't stand the sight of him.
I went from being a regular (and starred) commenter on Gawker and io9 to not visiting the sites at all within about two weeks of their new (current) comment system being implemented.
I caught the "little girl down the lane" thing, too. Very ominous.
Really, no mention of the fact that Jon and Dany's conversation is basically a mirror of the one Jon had with Mance Raider back when Stannis was trying to get Mance to bend the knee?
Yes, but now he realizes that Tyrion really, really, really didn't kill Joffrey (I mean, he believed Tyrion, I think, but now he has proof) so I think it's easier for him to say, "Well, Tywin was going to kill his innocent son, so…"
I didn't want him to take out the dragon—never!—but I was hope hope hoping he'd survive.
I'm pretty sure Bronn's laugh wasn't at the name "Dickon" itself, but at Jaime's getting it wrong?
Well, some of us are women who feel patronized by this decision.
Yeah, I'm not sure what that line was supposed to mean. Is the reviewer actually complaining that the Nazis were treated as enemies in this film?
The monoculturalism, perhaps?