
They were supposed to put that hammer down and give it hell!

The bands really are superboring, aren't they?

The Maester-meister! The Maester-rama!

I agree there, yeah. Ramsay did kind of step on his schtick. But maybe that's one of the reasons I like him—he's like Ramsay without the relentless evil psycho-ness that got so boring.

Every once in a while, I go back and read some of his archives on Cracked, and every time I laugh so hard tears come out of my eyes.

I'm surprised they haven't used Zsasz yet, too. (I actually love him, for the reasons you hate him—it's kind of nice to have a Bat-villain who's just a creepy killer, instead of a costumed loon or mob kingpin. He is really disturbing, though, I agree.)

Anybody who'd refuse to team up with Deathstroke probably should be thrown off a building. Deathstroke is awesome.

Oh, I don't think so. Myrcella was definitely Cersei's favorite child; she seemed completely genuine to me there, and throughout the show she's been shown as being especially concerned about/adoring of her—she begged Tywin not to send her away, for example.

Good point. He's a total failure at being dead.

Actually, I think Euron is the one who'll be throwing the strategic bone. *Ba-dum-bum-crash!*

All that snow that comes with winter…do you have any idea what the street value of that will be?!

Yes, I thought that was what Jon was thinking of/referring to, as well.

Yeah, I agree re Sam and his cure. It would have been better if he'd done a little educated guesswork or something. The idea that all the stone men at the Citadel could be cured but the Maesters are just too lazy is… I get that the Maesters are supposed to be lazy and they're wrongfully hoarding knowledge, but that

Nah, we've seen them before, or at least arm-grasping-type handshakes. They are rare, though, I think.

Did I feel sympathy for Ellaria? That's a good question. I did and I didn't. (I felt more for Tyene, but she was totally on board with the "Kill an innocent young girl because our father willingly jumped into a ring with the Mountain" plan, too—but she's young herself, so I don't blame her as much.)

I don't get the Euron hate. Sure, he's OTT, but so? He's fun.

You *don't* like watching things that make you gag? That's so weird, because normal people love it. I could gag all day long…

I thought it would be something with dragon glass, too!

"They called me a onanist!"

"It soon becomes obvious the police are following Berlinger’s footsteps, trying to ascertain what he knows and who he’s speaking to, in hopes of turning it to their own benefit."