
Yes, I'm only 5'1, and my husband is 6'3—I like 'em tall. And after Drogo (and Daario, to some extent), I imagine Dany does, too.

Very late, I know, (we're finally finishing the show on Netflix, as it didn't air where we lived before) but was anyone else extremely irritated that Gryzzl admitted to mining medical records, and not one person on the show—as they desperately tried to look for a law Gryzzl was breaking—noticed that that's a huge

Sigh, I'm not holding my breath, but at least these old reviews are still here. :-) Maybe we can make some noise and get them to cover it (the show, not us making noise about them covering it, heh).


Oooh, good point! I didn't think of that!

Yes, but that was only the Dothraki leadership. And yeah, I know, enemy combatants, but usually Dany seems to try to convince people to join her by doing something other than telling them to follow her or die. I was just a little surprised by it, was all; I was surprised she didn't try to convince them with more than

Yep, those are the clues that fed the theory for a lot of people—and to be honest, most of those people got them from the book. I haven't seen anywhere near as many people espousing that theory who are just show-watchers (like me; never read the books), so again, good work! :-) It's really subtle on the show, and it

Nope, it's Beric.

I'm not wrong. And since when is fanservice/retconning some long-established worldbuilding etc. just so you can pretend to be feminist not fucking patronizing? There has never been any indication that timelords can change sex until all the sudden recently it became an issue with people who don't even watch the show

Yes, I was hoping for more Dickon Tarly, too. He is very nice to look at.

I had that thought about a dwarf baby, too.

No, it's Berric Dondarrian(sp?).

Well, once she'd said, "Bend the knee or die," she had to kill them. "Bend the knee or die—oh, you're the last two leaders of a great house? In that case, we'll work something else out," isn't a great way to prove your strength as a leader.

I hope he realizes soon that she doesn't truly love him, because she doesn't truly love anyone but herself.

The Wildling Bunch


I've been wondering about that.

But they did leave without their four fried chickens, and without their dry white toast.

Ooh! Ooh! What if Euron forces her to marry him, or if they put out feelers and find the people absolutely will NOT accept a Jaime/Cersei baby so she marries Euron to cover it up? That might be the final straw for Jaime.

You fill out some forms and talk to some people at the Archdiocese (I believe). You can still annul a marriage that's produced children; it does not illegitimize the children from said marriage.