
The lesson here is, protest is okay on public land, but not private. They've been camped on public land for months protesting the pipeline without incident; the only reason this confrontation happened was because some people moved to private land and set up roadblocks on a highway, and then refused to leave (and set

I read for context just fine, and I certainly didn't think that by "let off without charges" you meant "charged but acquitted." Especially since the context in which you said "let off without charges" was a comparison of them to people just arrested; the context was being arrested/charged, not being convicted.

Those charges have been kicked out by a judge, fyi.

Eh, I lived in Miami long enough to consider myself from there, and like any good Miamian with lots of Cuban friends, I think Castro is a disgusting murderous oppressive criminal sack of shit. But Castro-as-costume wouldn't have offended anyone I knew, especially not if the costume made a point of being "evil" rather

I'm confused. What exactly is the difference between the two protests, in your mind? Why is one protest legitimate but the other is not, as far as you're concerned?


Then why should they care if anyone else is offended?

I've increasingly seen that myself (the "oughta stick with ye're own kind," thing) and found it increasingly disturbing. When I was a kid I dressed as a geisha one Halloween, and as what we then called an "Indian princess" another. Both of those years I spent considerable time with the limited resources I had


Yes, but in the main, it's to do with viewing it on a monitor vs. viewing the actual object.

Oh, criticism of Diamondback's character and how he was used is absolutely valid. I'm just not a big fan of the "You should have done this," review, and I definitely don't think ending the season on a huge cliffhanger is a better idea than what they did.

No, sorry. There was nothing interesting about the dress. It was not a "case study" of anything important or worth contemplating. Different monitors show colors differently, oh wow! It's LIKE VOODOO OMG.

I saw paint at first, and then left the page for a bit and came back. When I came back I saw the shiny for a minute before I picked up the paint again.

Yes, I dislike the "It would be better if you did this," review, too. I don't hate it the way I hate the "I'm going to imagine this story is going in the most lame and boring direction possible, and then I'll criticize the show for doing that even though it hasn't and I'm merely speculating," review, but I'm still not

"To invoke all of our writing teacher for a moment, Show, don’t tell."

I rolled my eyes a little at the "We're going to have a long talk" thing. Dude, you sent four guys to kill an unarmed Shades and he took them all down. You killed the heads of the other families, which means those still living are probably pissed at you *and* Shades has the only remaining Power Broker there—Mariah—in

Lessee…they were 13 and 9, roughly—we tend to go by Youngest as a guide, rather than Eldest. So 8/9 was our lower cut-off, basically.

We showed that movie to our kids for the first time two years ago, and our one big regret is that we didn't surreptitiously film them for that moment. They both shrieked and nearly jumped out of their skin(s). It was awesome.

And Serling wouldn't either!

I haven't seen that, but I personally can't do most "kids die" movies anymore. Not after having my own. So I sympathize with your wife's "Some things are just too much now" take, even if the actual triggers (for lack of a better term) are different.