
It's not what I *feel* he got wrong, it was his genuine were factual errors: the show does not open with the robbery at the junkyard; Stokes is not trying to "keep his money clean"; it was $1m not the $2m the writer here claims; Cage is not a native of Harlem; and Pops is not Cage's "lifelong mentor."

Yes, I thought I remembered that, too, but was starting to wonder if I my husband told me instead. I could swear I recall mention of it on JJ, though.

I'm pretty sure I remember him saying he was in prison, and the experiment was done for that reason.

Yes, it's much better to do as other countries do: turn women's nude bodies into punchlines and objects of fun, while censoring the word "ass" on TV before nine PM.

Wow. That was…quite a review. It's a shame he got so much wrong, but it was still interesting—if depressing—to read.

Well, considering that at least one juror told the judge he was "confused," because what he heard in court didn't match what he was hearing in the media, I think the trial-by-media stuff is pretty relevant.

I always, always laugh at the "Superstar" bit.

Dennehy is good in just about everything. He's one of the reasons why I have a particular appreciation for stocky men with a no-nonsense air about them.

Goodness! I've never read this column before, but I don't think I've ever enjoyed a sports column more.

When we were dating, Hubs and I went to a drive-in movie one night (I think we saw the re-release of Grease). We took snacks and beer, and sat in the car smoking and drinking and generally had a great time.

It's not "ultimately" condescending. It's *extremely* condescending.

Hey, thanks for the fucking SPOILER, buddy!

Ah, "Yes. Jolly good." Your standard "I don't have an answer for that and can't justify or defend my previous remarks," comment, it seems.

Lol, me too! Man, Lane, you got bodily thrown out of the place, but he let you keep the keys so you could wander in anytime and play some sax for Monique?

Which "folks" are those? Are they the ones who—unlike servers—earn an hourly rate that's at least minimum wage, therefore meaning they're paid in the exact way you want to "fix" things to pay everyone?

Well, there sure weren't any in Italy—of any age—at the time the evidence was being tested.

No, they've just called black people "picaninnies," called terrorists their "friends," compared Israel to ISIS, covered up child sex abuse, covered up rape and blamed the victims, allowed 1400+ young girls to be raped and abused because their public images and protecting men of a particular heritage mattered more than

Thanks! I was about to Google it.

I really think—and this is friendly advice, not a reprimand or anything—you ought to try seeing it again. Put your bad impression out of your head and give it another shot, with an open mind. Sometimes things just don't spark with us for some reason; maybe it's a mood thing, or the group of people around, or whatever.

Hubs and I have been wanting to/meaning to see Wonder Boys since it came out, but we just never managed to get to it. Good to know it really is as good as the reviews said.