
Oh, I love this movie so much. We've watched it every Thanksgiving for the last sixteen years(!—this year will be 17). We usually end up watching it at least one other time during the year, too; it's one of those "I can always watch that," movies, where I would happily just start it over as soon as the credits roll.

Oh, that honey bourbon is delicious.

I LOVE that moment. I mean, I love pretty much every moment in this movie, but that one always blows me away a little with how well-done it is, and how talented Pearce is.

God, that moment when Dudley mentions the name Rollo Tomassi to Exley, and Pearce's face doesn't change, doesn't move a muscle, but you see it all in his eyes as he realizes… Incredible.

Hey, do you have Underhill's credit card number?

"I want to pick up a danish for Belle. Hey, did you hear about our point-shaving in Boston? Nunzio—" *icepick in throat*

I yelped out loud when that happened.

Lol, well, one just isn't enough for me. :-)

There ARE "child beauty pageants" in the UK, man, and I think you're seriously overestimating the size of the "child beauty pageant" contingent in the US.

If you're talking about the "wage gap" when you say the US "thinks women should have to put up with lower salaries than men," you might want to first consider that the wage gap in the UK is worse than in the US. (And the "frequently describes women as…" thing? Please. That's an issue everywhere.)

Intelligent, level-headed, educated people can still be misled, especially when they're dealing with an unimaginable tragedy, and especially by the people who control the information they're given and are supposed to be helping them.

See "…doesn't mean the system itself is wrong, it means that those people are."

Especially when the junkie in question describes seeing someone near a particular bus that wasn't actually running on the night of the murder.

Especially if you live here (as I have done for seven years now).

Jesus, I'm not making fun of her. I LIKE her. My point was only that the "All of our leaders are Oxford-educated geniuses and yours are all stupidheads," comment was ridiculous.

Yeah, I gotta give you that one. The media portrayals of pro-Brexit voters and the "I only voted for it cuz I thought it would lose/I didn't understand," nonsense was just that—nonsense. I don't know anyone who voted Remain, and everyone I know who voted understood exactly what they were voting for.

A child could have discredited that "DNA evidence."

It's not just in the documentary, it was a documented fact prior to that. Just FYI.

"And at least we don't sexualise infants with child 'beauty contests'."

So did I. I thought she was probably guilty for a long time; it wasn't until about a year and a half ago that I finally decided to see for myself what the evidence was/what the facts were. I was pretty shocked when I realized just how nonexistent the case against her really was. I honestly didn't believe beforehand