
Oh, man, remember all the cool Camel stuff they used to have? I had a "lighter cozy" with Joe Camel's head at the top; I had a "Camel Beach" t-shirt; I had several can coolers (like an insulated sleeve that would fit around a can)…I used to collect my Camel Cash in an empty Pringles can, and when it got close to full

I completely agree. I enjoy AD and think it's funny, but shows like Parks & Rec or The Office genuinely fill me with delight, because there's love and heart and goodness behind the jokes.

In July, peas grow there.

Okay, I disagree with you (partially), but that was funny.

I remember a gas station near my part-time job in 91/92 that sold them for $1.67 a pack (I was not quite old enough to smoke legally, but still did).

"Oh my god! All the humans are going to die in four hours if something isn't done? Then I, Supergirl, ought to spend most of that time wandering around chatting with people!"

You probably already know this, but you guessed right. It's Mon-El. (Yeah, we delayed watching the finale for a long time.)

Okay, this is so, so late, but I cannot believe no one mentioned Kevin's "Right back atcha, bitch!" at Holly near the beginning (when she holds up her ringless finger, and he mistakes it for The Finger). It was fucking hilarious.

See, I'd put Black Flag at the bottom of that list, personally. I just never cared for them.

This actually makes me feel a little sorry for Hillary Clinton. Does she know a single man who isn't a scumbag, and who actually has respect for women?

Ah, okay.

I have a feeling his next headline will be about some major revelation he's made in therapy.

Genuinely confused by how it's a "testament to the nastiness of partisan politics" because Breitbart broke it and other media would have ignored it. Do you mean it's a testament to the nastiness because the story was broken by a right-wing site, or because that right-wing site was just looking for something to "get"

Except he clearly does think it's dirty, which is why he gets off on taking his furtive little pictures and sending them to random girls on the internet.

"America is a bucket of shit."

Eh, I can see that. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

No mention of Hanky Panky? (ETA: Duh, yes, I double-checked and see it now; it just didn't register on first reading.)

Yes, it would be a bad time. Why in the world would you even consider that it might not be?

Charles Grodin was quite funny in it, too, if memory serves.

I didn't even notice that! Doh!