Holly isn't black. Did you mean Cat?
Holly isn't black. Did you mean Cat?
Hullo, Briiian…
"Us Brits love self-deprecating humour and love to take the piss out of anything and everything, especially our country."
Wow. I never thought of that before, and (as an American living in the UK) the differences in humor and general attitudes are something my husband and I regularly discuss, and discuss with our children. We've talked many times about socialism and its influence here as we see it, and we've talked many times about the…
Friend, we'll speak up more, if you'll agree to stick up for us when we do, and work with us to make that a more accepted—and thus more common—thing.
Remember what they did to Mickey Rourke?
I haven't seen the theatrical version, but we just watched the "Ultimate Cut" on iTunes, and…uh, we liked it. It wasn't a great film, but it had some really good moments, and we enjoyed it. (Well, my husband and I enjoyed it. Our fourteen year-old described it as, "The last hour or so was good, the rest sucked and was…
Agreed. An excellent analysis.
Yay, I was right! That's what I thought he meant. I'm so glad! (I mean, glad that he meant that, not, like "Yeah, I'm always right, how awesome.")
I saw the first episode. It was the worst crap ever.
Just adding another voice to the "You should definitely see it," crowd.
You guys have just quoted my own two favorite bits/lines!
Oh, there were some decent bits during the college years etc. Steve's crazy girlfriend who tried to kill herself in the theater, Donna's stalker Garret Slan, Janice—actually, Janice was so great she was worth a whole bunch of the lame stuff that we endured (like Gina, who was just awful)…the ending with Kelly & Dylan.
That's why I've never watched The Shield past season 4. I know what's coming, and I can't bear to see it.
I didn't mind the boats etc., but it still drives me crazy that Batman & Gordon decided they needed to blame Dent's death on Batman Dent, when there were any number of other stories they could have invented in a second that would have been believable and not destroyed everything Batman was trying to accomplish.
Your first paragraph describes my feelings perfectly.
Do you think Brennan really gets revenge, though? I always read Brennan's face as genuinely sad when Benjamin leaves the army; she still dislikes her, but honestly believes she's making a mistake and feels bad. JMO, of course.
I am constantly grateful for that. I once had a nightmare that they did make a third one, and I was unlucky enough to see it, but thankfully I woke up and managed to cast it from my memory.
Completely agree re Brazil, but every minute of L.A. Confidential is perfect.