Gah, let's hope she doesn't do that (aside from the Grawp parts, because yeah, that's just pointless and dull). She's like the George Lucas of literature these days.
Gah, let's hope she doesn't do that (aside from the Grawp parts, because yeah, that's just pointless and dull). She's like the George Lucas of literature these days.
Oh, God, me too! That ending ruined the entire movie for me. You smug, shitty little creep, you're going to die anyway! In what world are you anything but the world's biggest prick when you say, "Yeah, but I think rather than being heroic, I'll just take everyone else with me, including babies?"
Kira + Odo=4ever!
Completely agree. My husband and I were talking about that movie a few weeks ago, and I realized that although I've seen it several dozen times, I have only a couple of hazy memories of what happens after The Bathroom Scene.
My husband and I love this movie, and love the DJ, but we were pretty amazed by the fact that she was actively inciting violence, live on the radio, and nobody did a thing about it. Like, uh, maybe somebody should have called the police to say this DJ woman was encouraging hundreds of young people to kill a group of…
No shit.
Ha, I just posted something similar on the GoT (experts) discussion. It was bugging me what her outfit reminded me of, and I finally realized it last night.
So Jesus in on the cross, and St. Peter is one of the crowd gathered to witness and mourn.
Cersei was dressed an awful lot like Tywin, wasn't she?
HBO has posted a genealogy chart that lists Rhaegar as Jon's father now, so I'm not sure why the whispering on the show, either.
And the storyline itself was a good contrast to Cersei and the High Sparrow. Cersei gets religion involved and it's a huge mistake that leads to tragedy; Tyrion gets religion involved and it brings peace to Mereen.
Not just her trial, but the fact that he found her in Tywin's bed, calling HIM "my lion." I do wonder if she was in Tywin's employ all along.
Hmm. I absolutely agree that it was stupid to exile her—put her in a cell and keep her there indefinitely, thus punishing her but still enabling yourself to use her skills and knowledge when needed—but I don't think the issue is her potentially aiding Jon's enemies. Or rather, I think she would aid his enemies no…
Brienne is the best. I love everything about her.
True, but we might see a lot of him over the next season+.
Ha! Thanks for that!
I was really excited about seeing his no-doubt-amazing luggage, personally, and maybe listening to him chat about the weather for long periods of time.
See my other reply in this thread. (If you don't want to click through, it's just occurred to me that Euron Greyjoy is also a valonquar, and he's probably going to want to align with Cersei since Dany is now taken. "When your tears have drowned you," could be a ref to the Drowned God.)
Hmm… Alliances she might make. What's-his-name, the Greyjoy guy (Euron?) is Balon Greyjoy's younger brother, isn't he? So he's a valonquar. And it's very likely that he will align with Cersei now that Theon/Yara have beaten him to the Dany punch.