Or Eobard Thawne, even.
Or Eobard Thawne, even.
Don't forget the part where she was horribly judgy and snobbish when it came to finding Stein a new Firestorm partner. "He never went to college? Guh, obviously a worthless loser, forget him."
My family would totally tune in for a Harry/Cisco spin-off. They are hilarious together, and were especially great in this episode—agreed on Harry's expressions etc.
I think you're being unfair to GRRM/'s source material when you say that the show is less rapey because it's not based on his source material any longer. Drogo did not rape Dany in the books; Cersei and Jamie's sex scene beside Joffrey's corpse was not rapey in the books; Sansa was not married to Ramsay in the books.
I actually teared up a little when Sansa and Jon saw each other, and embraced. I agree, it was pretty momentous, and very sweet. These two haven't seen each other in five or six years; since then, aside from everything else, their father and mother/stepmother have both been killed, as has their eldest brother. They…
I *loved* the look on Tormund's face as he watched Brienne ride into Castle Black (and later as they ate dinner).
Yep. Roose tried to warn him…
Yeah, I seem to recall a conversation between Roose & LF wherein LF mentions that he knows very little of Ramsay. (Did he also have a convo with Ramsay, where he told Ramsay to take care of her and Ramsay promised he would? Or am I misremembering?)
It's possible Littlefinger's been having a talk with the Umbers…
I think he might—as dygitalninja said—need their anger to sell his plans, but perhaps he also needs them to believe so they don't go reassuring the other ex-slaves. A simple "Oh, Grey Worm said he doesn't really mean it, he's just manipulating them," could spread through the city awfully fast, and get back to the…
Yeah, I thought it was clear that he'd told her?
Yeah, as I said above, I wouldn't be eager to hear those details. Davos loved Shireen; I don't imagine he's desperate to hear how much she suffered.
I'd like to see Jamie and Brienne end up together, but failing that—and I think it's highly unlikely—it'd be nice to see Brienne with someone who immediately thought she was the bee's knees.
And there's probably part of him that doesn't want to know the details. He knows she's gone; isn't that enough? I wouldn't necessarily want to hear the extent of the suffering a sweet little girl I'd loved had endured, either.
I had that thought, too. See, she is fireproof—her saying of Viserys, "He wasn't a true dragon," wasn't some hyperbolic statement.
Heh, when the camera lingered on Tormund looking at Brienne as she rode in, I said to my husband, "What a woman!" It was so clearly what Tormund was thinking. I would LOVE to see that relationship—how amazing for Brienne to find a man who loves her warrior side but doesn't think it makes her any less a woman, either.
*spittake* Oh, dear! Lol.
I got to hold an Emmy once. Using it for sex purposes didn't cross my mind.
She would have bragged about using hers that way, definitely.